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This Chick Shreds

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  • #46
    Ya, I have to go against the NA-Sayers here. There was nobody working the camera so if she ran around or moved around a lot getting into the tune, she would end up just running out of the picture. I say bravo to any youngster wanting to learn from the master.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
      She's a machine! She's very good, but lacks emotion and soul. A very mechanical player. I agree we need to see more of them and kids in general playing instruments. Good Stuff! Thanks for the post!
      As soon as she gets messed up with a boyfriend, and dumped and abused like we love to do! She will have some "blues" and be more
      emotional in her playing! See? We men, do add to womens lives!! LOL


      • #48
        In my opinion, she is right where another girl was at 16... Jennifer Batten!
        So if she's shreddin like Jennifer when she is 35... nothin wrong with


        • #49
          Just wow!
          I dig it and I hope she sticks around for a long time.
          She reminds me of my best friend Alan, another die hard Rhoads fan who has to play the solos note for note or he's not happy.
          It took him a good 10 years before he stopped staring at his frets while playing Randy's solos.


          • #50
            Wow! I wonder what the Chelsea signature model Charvel will look like someday..


            • #51
              fook mee
              Hear the universe scream
              Bleeding from black holes
              Whom horns careless
              And whom God mourns


              • #52
                She is a good technical player. Unfortunately.. players like her are a dime a dozen. They sit home all day and night and practice specific styles and solo's. Most of them couldn't even begin to come up with their own stuff.
                I wonder what she sounds like when she isn't playing a famous guitar solo to a prerecorded jam track?


                • #53
                  A little harsh, but very true.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                    She is a good technical player. Unfortunately.. players like her are a dime a dozen. They sit home all day and night and practice specific styles and solo's. Most of them couldn't even begin to come up with their own stuff.
                    I wonder what she sounds like when she isn't playing a famous guitar solo to a prerecorded jam track?
                    In a non-mean way, I have to agree... shes a phenominal player, but her playing seems lifeless and booring. Too mechanical if you will. But on the same token, shes only 16, so now that shes got the technical part down, I would think that "feeling" will come next.

                    I wish her the best, and hope she inspires many more females to pick up a guitar!
                    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                    • #55
                      She is a great talent! How clean and acurate she plays blows me away. She may be a little over practiced and technical, but like most here, I wish I had half her playing ability.

                      Watching that video makes me want to put my guitars back in thier cases and do something I am good at - like watching TV.
                      Jackson: DK1
                      Charvel: CS (CSB), SD (RGF), SD (Bullseye), SD '83 (HRF)


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Rufue View Post
                        Watching that video makes me want to put my guitars back in thier cases and do something I am good at - like watching TV.
                        I'm not even good at watching TV. Anyone wanna buy my television?


                        • #57
                          WOW... have you seen her doin the "Satch boogie"... Awesome... that girl kicks major ass with a tone as sweet as candy... no doubt... i am impressed!!!! ... and shes just 16!!!!

                          FUCKIN WOW!!!!!
                          Stay fuckin metal.... for life!!! ALEX



                          • #58
                            Wow! She's awesome! I've been playing for 23 fucking years and can't nail the Crazy Train solo! Time for some serious practice. You can tell she does. Good for her, I hope she does real well!
                            THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                            • #59
                              Very Nice !!!


                              • #60
                                A couple years back at NAMM I saw her performing at the Peavey booth. She did Van Halen and Hendrix if I recall correctly and nailed those too. Very impressive! Also, I believe it was last year (?) when she was at the Jackson booth. C'mon give her a break, a teen that can shred like that is not a common occurence.


