Look, I have been pretty much a worshipper at the Jackson altar since I traded in my old SG with the Bigsby back in the 80's for my RR-1. I have zero issues with some of the older Jacksons and I got into a really heated debate defending Jackson with a buddy of mine who plays quasi-professionally with his PRS, creepy looking Modulus (with that bizarre neck) and his semi-hollow body Gretsch "thing" that looks like something an Elvis impersonator should be shouldering. I have towed the company line for awhile now, probably longer than many of you (but not all) have been playing or been alive even. I've been laughed at for liking pointy headstocks and for playing a "skateboard" guitar many times. But my reply, uniformly, has been that "dollar for dollar" there is not a better built guitar made in America than Jackson.
Even the wifer's imported RR-24 is a killer guitar and I will go to bat and say it croaks the Laiho ESP in my opinion.
But I am getting really irked by the attitudes at the shops and the "elitist, smug" attitude that some of the folks who sell Jacksons have. I'm tired of the "you just don't get it, if I have to explain Jackson to you, its not for you" type BS I encounter on the RARE occassion I find a shop that has one or two American made or high end Japanese Jacksons.
The lack of selection is wearing on my nerves too!
Yeah, I think the ESP LTD stuff made in Korea can stay in Korea.
That's not a guitar I want to play more than likely, without MASSIVE mods and a rebuild which defeats the purpose of a low end guitar in the first place.
But I am also getting pretty tired of finding the really low end Jacksons in the shops and when I can find (once in a great while) an American made Jackson, it is usually a fecked up color (Neon green, pink, Jenna Jameson picture, whatever), with half an inch of dust on it, on the top rack of the store. Invariably, if I wanted to buy a US made (or high end Japanese) Jackson, nobody has them or if they have one model, it will not have the PU config I want or the color is terrible. Of course, I am always told one can be ordered for me from Jackson if I want to pay 50%-100% of the price of the thing in advance and wait forever.
I'm happy to pay for the guitar...when I receive it or can pick it up! Why should I pay for the "privilege" of being able to buy a Jackson at an inflated MAP and have to wait 9-12 months before its in my hands?
I'm also annoyed that the GC people will try to downsell me into some POS low end Jackson that in unplayable. If it makes me a snob and an elitist prick than so be it but Jackson bastardized the entire company by making those low end junkers.
You can't have it both ways. If you want to be "cottage industry and elitist" you can't sell mainstream junk to 15 year old kids for 1/5th the price of a "real guitar!"
My biggest mistake was not buying the PC-1 I saw and tried that a guy in the local want ads was selling. I was retarded to let that go for $200 in difference between what he wanted and what I wanted to spend.
Now I can't find a decent PC-"anything" anywhere local. But everyone will order me one if I want to wait.
I want a high quality, strat/super shaped guitar. I would prefer (strongly) it be a Jackson USA made (or even a high end Japanese Jackson) but Ill be damned if I am going to drop $1000-$2000+ on an axe when I can't play it first or get it configured the way I want (oh, did I mention the wait?).
I really do not want to buy an ESP. Or a JEM. But at least I can find them to try out around here, both in stores and in want ads. The JEMs play very well, very close (the Wizard necks are great, not wild about bolt ons though) to Jacksons and now I finally tried out an ESP and it's also very close to Jackson.
So (and I am sure this is going to piss off a lot of you but maybe if someone from Jackson sees this it might make a difference), I can get what I want, in under a week, for about the same money and it will read ESP or Ibanez on the headstock or I can get circle jerked and spoken down to by stores selling American/HE Jap Jacksons about how lucky I am that they will even order what I want and that I should bend over for them and remember that "the longer I wait, the more I anticipate, the better its going to be when I finally get it!"
This is BS. Its asinine, stupid and its alienating me (and a lot of others I imagine). WTF happened to this company?!? In the late 80's/early 90's I could easily find these guitars and never had to put up with this. Fifteen years later and its all screwed up? This is a terrible business model for Jackson and it's going to bite them in the ass hard. I do not think the low enders sell very well (not with all the low end Ibanez, Epiphone and related junk hanging next to them) and those of us who want a higher end piece can't get what we want and are basically told to "screw off!"
Yeah, sure, maybe ESP will follow the same stupid path. And if they do, thats f*cking fine. Just as long as it is after I get the guitar I want with no hassle.
Ebay sorta scares me but if thats the only way I can get what I want then what do I do?
Are you reading this Jackson corporate?
/rant off!
Even the wifer's imported RR-24 is a killer guitar and I will go to bat and say it croaks the Laiho ESP in my opinion.
But I am getting really irked by the attitudes at the shops and the "elitist, smug" attitude that some of the folks who sell Jacksons have. I'm tired of the "you just don't get it, if I have to explain Jackson to you, its not for you" type BS I encounter on the RARE occassion I find a shop that has one or two American made or high end Japanese Jacksons.
The lack of selection is wearing on my nerves too!
Yeah, I think the ESP LTD stuff made in Korea can stay in Korea.
That's not a guitar I want to play more than likely, without MASSIVE mods and a rebuild which defeats the purpose of a low end guitar in the first place.
But I am also getting pretty tired of finding the really low end Jacksons in the shops and when I can find (once in a great while) an American made Jackson, it is usually a fecked up color (Neon green, pink, Jenna Jameson picture, whatever), with half an inch of dust on it, on the top rack of the store. Invariably, if I wanted to buy a US made (or high end Japanese) Jackson, nobody has them or if they have one model, it will not have the PU config I want or the color is terrible. Of course, I am always told one can be ordered for me from Jackson if I want to pay 50%-100% of the price of the thing in advance and wait forever.
I'm happy to pay for the guitar...when I receive it or can pick it up! Why should I pay for the "privilege" of being able to buy a Jackson at an inflated MAP and have to wait 9-12 months before its in my hands?
I'm also annoyed that the GC people will try to downsell me into some POS low end Jackson that in unplayable. If it makes me a snob and an elitist prick than so be it but Jackson bastardized the entire company by making those low end junkers.
You can't have it both ways. If you want to be "cottage industry and elitist" you can't sell mainstream junk to 15 year old kids for 1/5th the price of a "real guitar!"
My biggest mistake was not buying the PC-1 I saw and tried that a guy in the local want ads was selling. I was retarded to let that go for $200 in difference between what he wanted and what I wanted to spend.
Now I can't find a decent PC-"anything" anywhere local. But everyone will order me one if I want to wait.
I want a high quality, strat/super shaped guitar. I would prefer (strongly) it be a Jackson USA made (or even a high end Japanese Jackson) but Ill be damned if I am going to drop $1000-$2000+ on an axe when I can't play it first or get it configured the way I want (oh, did I mention the wait?).
I really do not want to buy an ESP. Or a JEM. But at least I can find them to try out around here, both in stores and in want ads. The JEMs play very well, very close (the Wizard necks are great, not wild about bolt ons though) to Jacksons and now I finally tried out an ESP and it's also very close to Jackson.
So (and I am sure this is going to piss off a lot of you but maybe if someone from Jackson sees this it might make a difference), I can get what I want, in under a week, for about the same money and it will read ESP or Ibanez on the headstock or I can get circle jerked and spoken down to by stores selling American/HE Jap Jacksons about how lucky I am that they will even order what I want and that I should bend over for them and remember that "the longer I wait, the more I anticipate, the better its going to be when I finally get it!"
This is BS. Its asinine, stupid and its alienating me (and a lot of others I imagine). WTF happened to this company?!? In the late 80's/early 90's I could easily find these guitars and never had to put up with this. Fifteen years later and its all screwed up? This is a terrible business model for Jackson and it's going to bite them in the ass hard. I do not think the low enders sell very well (not with all the low end Ibanez, Epiphone and related junk hanging next to them) and those of us who want a higher end piece can't get what we want and are basically told to "screw off!"
Yeah, sure, maybe ESP will follow the same stupid path. And if they do, thats f*cking fine. Just as long as it is after I get the guitar I want with no hassle.
Ebay sorta scares me but if thats the only way I can get what I want then what do I do?
Are you reading this Jackson corporate?

/rant off!