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List of custom shop "No goes"

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  • Originally posted by El_Kabong View Post
    Meth kills.
    i am straight edge. Straight edge is a person who doesn't drink,smoke or take illegal drugs.


    • Far out. Didn't realize this thread was so old

      Anyhoo, I have no problem with most of those "Noes".

      It's not that FMIC is worried about a Gibson lawsuit. I believe it was McD who acknowledged the idea when I mentioned it originally that it's more of a Gentlemen's Agreement between Fender and Gibson: We don't build yours, you don't build ours.


      It's like the Cold War, fellas. Both sides have what it takes to decimate the other in the marketplace. Both brands have the finances to flood the market with their products at ridiculously low prices. The problem is, who's gonna get First Strike? If Fender drops a ton of USA models on WalMart's doorstep tomorrow priced at $350, Gibson will be left gape-jawed and in last place by the end of the day.

      All other companies will shrivel up and die, including the mighty Ibanez.

      The "Artist Similar" thing is a bit weak when it comes to a King V with a Kahler. Yes, Mustaine used one. Where's the problem? Don't put his name on it, it's not Mustaine's design.

      Better still, get a Double Rhoads with a Kahler. That way, it's different from Crosby's AND Dave's at the same time. Even better, get a KV with a stopbar/tuneomatic and pay someone to install a Kahler if it means that much to you.

      Now, someone mentioned Jackson didn't do set-necks. Yes, they did. The 1990 Archtop Professional Soloists were set-neck, and IIRC they had one other (a JJ model?)

      As for the Hanneman Soloist: don't order EMGs in it. Put them in later.

      Also as I recall his "famous" Soloist was covered in stickers. That constitutes a graphic, which means a plain gloss black SL2H with a Kahler is not "Artist Similar".

      While I'd like to see a "name brand" player pick up my War Angel, I'd really hate it if I was unable to order another one because of that.
      Last edited by Newc; 08-10-2008, 08:20 AM.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • 19. Do not request premium light weight alder.


        • Originally posted by YetAnotherOne View Post
          Possibly quite a bunch. I've heard the GMP guys had a few discussions with Gibson's legal team about their Firebirds and Explorers but they were never enjoined from building either because Gibson decided that the GMP designs were dissimilar enough that they had little chance of stopping them. I asked about Pawn Shops which are damn close to LPs but Gibson apparently never bothered to challenge them on those.

          Granted Jackson/FMIC is orders of magnitude bigger and therefore a more liekly target for legal action but Dean, Hamer and others still sell Gibson-esque designs seemingly without incident. What has happened at Jackson is precisely what most here feared would happen when FMIC bought the company. It's disappointing but it's definitely not a surprise.
          The thing is, Gibsons track record as far as lawsuits go is that they don't bother a company until their design gets popular and starts making money. They didn't start going after Univox all those years ago until Univox actually started to make a name for itself with it's LP copy. Would it have been better to slap an injunction on them early on to keep them off the market? Yes, but that wouldn't have been nearly as profitable in a settlement. And they didn't bother PRS too much until the single cutaway PRS was very popular and people started showing up playing them instead of an LP custom. Hondo, JB Player and the other "lower end" companies were never a threat because they didn't compare in quality and playability. I think Hamer and Dean have been able to stay under the gibson legal radar because they are careful to deviate just enough from gibson designs to keep themk out of hot water, but I guarantee you they are being watched.
          I agree with Vitamin G in that, because of the money hungry lawsuit crazysociety we live in these days, we can't always have what we want. At the same time, I also believe that FMIC is over reacting to that lawsuit friendly environment but I am no legal advisor so I may very well not know what I am talking about. The one thing I do know for sure is that the whole thing is a damn shame, but FMIC is not soley responsible for this situation. it's purley legal history that makes these wonderful restrictions possible. Thank you Gibson, Judges, Litigators, Hell I even want to that the little woman that sued McDonalds because her coffee was too hot, or the guy that sued them because he got fat eating big macs! Or the guy that sued the state of South Carolina because there was a confederate flag flying somewhere on state property and it offended him.

          It's because of these wonderful people that make the United States of the Offended such a wonderful land of opportunity where we can have anything we want, anyway we want it.. (YEAH RIGHT)

          ****Rant mode disengaged****
          Last edited by Robert Hendrix; 08-10-2008, 11:56 AM.
          Prosecutors will be violated...


          • My confusion has been what constitutes a Masterbuilt vs a regular custom. While a regular custom is pricey its not to bad, the masterbuilts however are crazy. My Death Angel would have definitely been a masterbuilt, it was after all built by Mike Shannon. I had a couple different designs I have sheets for I really don't think I'll ever get another Jackson but I would like to get a CS Charvie. I had two designs.
            The first was a Korina Roundhorn Rhodes with a spalt top. I'd guess that would most definitely be a masterbuilt cause its a modification to an existing body. Actually I don't know if Charvel will even do anything other than strat bodies?

            The other is one that might not be masterbuilt and thats the one I was thinking about doing someday. Cocobolo neck and fingerboard, Koa body with flame koa top and matching headstock. Strat body and headstock. Flat top with no forearm contour. Direct Mount pickups. Nothing there seems like it should constitute "masterbuilt" but maybe the unusual woods, I dunno. Its a few years off anyway, if I did it, would be when my car is paid off. Still did make me wonder how much I would be spending. The other sad thing is that I wouldn't be able to get it from Matt anymore...who do you JCFer's use now?


            • I heard the Master built charge went away.

              Also I did not resurct this thread the guy on meth did

              One other thing my post reseruction post was from Altered Beast...I dont think anyone caught on so I dont want to be accused of doing meth...


              • Yeah, the MB charge is history, so (for examples) a maple fingerboard or non recessed trem only costs a minimal amount now (if anything) instead of 2k....
                Popular is not the same as good
                Rare is not the same as valuable
                Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                • Originally posted by Special-K View Post
                  If thing like these aren`t allowed then in my opinion this is not a real custom shop...
                  I love Jackson but, these no no`s suck!
                  Right...shouldnt the name be changed to "Ordinary, bland Shop"?
                  Or "Assembly line" Shop"?


                  • Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                    Right...shouldnt the name be changed to "Ordinary, bland Shop"?
                    Or "Assembly line" Shop"?
                    More like the "you can't have that shop."
                    Prosecutors will be violated...


                    • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                      I heard the Master built charge went away.

                      Also I did not resurct this thread the guy on meth did

                      One other thing my post reseruction post was from Altered Beast...I dont think anyone caught on so I dont want to be accused of doing meth...
                      Maybe more people would have gotten the Altered Beast line if you wrote it "wise fwom yo gwave"
                      EAOS: 28JUN09


                      • No quotes shall be delivered on a timely manner.

                        This is a hard rule from the shop; the longer you wait, the more we take away from you options wise, the more we'll shock you with a price, the more dissatisfied you will be with our guitars. And that makes for a return customer.
                        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                        • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                          19. Do not request premium light weight alder.
                          Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


                          • Originally posted by Vlover View Post
                            Ah its probably cheaper to make a frankenstien guitar with parts from cheaper guitars and have a local guy paint it for you, what EVER color you want. Save some money and get what you want.
                            I do this quite often. Not only does it give you a unique guitar for less. But it also gives you a great sense of accomplishment when it's done. I made my own frankie and it only cost me 125 for a body cut to my specs. 75 for the floyd and nut. I got the neck for free from a friend. Same guy i bought the floyd from so it was the original nut etc...I made the pup thats in it now. And i scrwed a quiarter to it. so total i guess with the set of strings and paint. Is $210.25 and its a great guitar too. I love it and get tons of compliments on it. So Im good with it.
                            And i have an idea for a CS Jackson that i know will be built cus its one of there exsisting designs. So


                            • Wow, and I got turned off to the CS just because of the price and 2+ year wait. I've started building customs from Warmoth. I may not be able to get everything (ie., neck thru), but not all my guitars need that. Fit and finish is second to none, IMHO.
                              The Guitars:
                              Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
                              The Amps:
                              Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet


                              • TWO year wait?????? I'd forget I ordered it after so long

                                Originally posted by Endrik
                                the more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks

