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New guy checking in.

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  • New guy checking in.

    What a godsend this place is. I found it the other day, registered & thought I'd best say hello. I think like most of the recent posters here I am an armchair guitarist playing at home, currently play a PRS but the lure of the pointy headstock is proving too much to resist. Have scoured e-bay & found not a lot interesting. Found this place only to find a thread about e-bay fakes which I look forward to reading with interest.

    Am 38 years old, married, originally from Scotland but now live just south of London, UK. I have been a drummer most of my musical life & have dabbled many times with guitar only now I have hung up the sticks for good...much to the joy of my wife

    I've had several Jacksons in the past but never a Charvel. My best axe was an SL-3 which I had some years ago, now play a PRS CE-22 which is a beautiful guitar but I always find myself going into the music shops & looking at the Jackson stock.

    I'll apologise in advance as I will no doubt be asking loads of questions in my quest for the right Jackson. I hope to make the acquaintance of many of you in the future. Great forum & good to be here.

    SL3, DKMGT.

  • #2
    Welcome! Cool intro! You'll love it here!


    • #3
      Welcome to the forum!

      Get used to cursing about paying VAT on guitars from the US! Especially when the customs arrive and people post pics. It'll give you GAS. I know this Chlorine CS RR had that effect on me!

      I'd also recommend using the search function (or google with and your query) to search for threads on CS guitars as they came in (try Jacskon Stars too). Lots of beautiful pictures in the archives. It helps if you have a weekend to spare!


      • #4
        Welcome Mate!

        You are entering a very informative forum. Mostly constructive I might add. There are the usual dablings in insantity, but one can contract GAS very badly as it has been already well said!
        Welcome aboard. Cheers!
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #5
          welcome keep your head up and you nose clean you'll like around here, if you're really good you might make it to the classifieds, so you can find a good jackson.
          "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


          • #6
            Welcome scotty2. This place rocks,your going to learn so much.I just joined myself after I picked up a new Charvel. Cheers.
            Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


            • #7
              opps (double post) sorry
              Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


              • #8
                Thanks for the warm welcome guys, nice to find a forum that's welcoming for a change. The last UK based drummers forum I got involved in was full of rather anal individuals who got off on dispensing their so called wisdom in a rather patronising fashion. Sad really when we are all involved in the same hobby or interest.

                Ah the classifieds....oh well 2 posts down just the 98 to go

                Ken, sadly I know what you mean about the dreaded VAT imposed by those fine individuals at Her Majesties Revenue & Customs, lovingly referred to as those robbing b@#t*r#s!!!

                Even with a favourable exchange rate, their pound of flesh really does turn a bargain into just another purchase. Pity that most UK based dealers I'm aware of, only carry a limited Jackson/Charvel range.

                I hope someone can help me ID a Jackson guitar that I would like to get my hands on, or try to at least.

                In the Iron Maiden promo video for "Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter" Dave MURRAY is seen playing a Jackson strat, purple in colour with a black pickguard, HSH pickup configuration, Floyd Rose trem & a Strat style headstock. I had never seen one until I bought a compilation DVD the other day & watched that particular promo vid. I thought that guitar really looked superb & ideally if I could get my hands on a similar model that would be great. First things first, can anybody help me ID the model? Any information will be gratefully received.

                Thanks again for the warm welcome...told you I would be asking many questions.

                All the very best,

                SL3, DKMGT.


                • #9
                  Oh yeah, one more thing....GAS??? This one's gone over my head
                  SL3, DKMGT.


                  • #10
                    G.A.S.: Guitar Acquisition Syndrome
                    Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ADR View Post
                      G.A.S.: Guitar Acquisition Syndrome
                      Oh Jesus....if that happens I will need a very good divorce lawyer. All recommendations gratefully received.
                      SL3, DKMGT.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by scotty2 View Post
                        In the Iron Maiden promo video for "Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter" Dave MURRAY is seen playing a Jackson strat, purple in colour with a black pickguard, HSH pickup configuration, Floyd Rose trem & a Strat style headstock. I had never seen one until I bought a compilation DVD the other day & watched that particular promo vid. I thought that guitar really looked superb & ideally if I could get my hands on a similar model that would be great. First things first, can anybody help me ID the model? Any information will be gratefully received.
                        welcome to the JCF, Jock!

                        The Iron Maiden guys have had a number of Jacksons over the years. Their Jackson strats are all Custom Shop pieces and there really aren't any production models that match their specs. You might find an older (80s) US Jackson that comes close. Anyway, try the search function - there have been quite a few threads on the IM Jacksons over the years.
                        Hail yesterday


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                          welcome to the JCF, Jock!

                          The Iron Maiden guys have had a number of Jacksons over the years. Their Jackson strats are all Custom Shop pieces and there really aren't any production models that match their specs. You might find an older (80s) US Jackson that comes close. Anyway, try the search function - there have been quite a few threads on the IM Jacksons over the years.
                          Many thanks for that. I had a horrible feeling they would be Custom Shop models but I hoped for the best. Thanks for the advice, off to the search function I go. Cheers,

                          SL3, DKMGT.


                          • #14
                            Welcome! and I love those maiden strats too!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daisp View Post
                              Welcome! and I love those maiden strats too!
                              I know what you mean mate. There is a Fender Maiden Strat currently for sale on e-bay by a seller in Germany & my local music shop has a Fender Floyd Rose strat in stock as of today. I don't really want to settle for second best if there is even a slim chance that I could get something very close to what I really want & maybe get it modified with an extra pick up if it had the right number of pick ups in the first place. The late 80s & early 90s was a great time for Maiden if you ask me even with the line up changes they had & experimentation with synths etc. Have seen them 6 times now with the most recent gig being at Xmas in London. Think I'll give Download a miss this year though despite the awesome line up announced so far. Thanks for the kind welcome. Cheers,

                              SL3, DKMGT.

