Hi All, been lurking for a bit and just wanted to introduce myself. Looks like a very useful set of forums, lots of focused on-topic stuff and a really friendly atmosphere to boot, which is great to see
Not really a full-time player myself, more a hobbyist who has been picking the instrument up and putting it back down again for several years. Late last year made a committment to learn properly, so mothballed my old Epiphone (Xmas pressie 1994) and splashed out on a Dinky DXMG. Listened to waaaay too much Megadeth and Def Leppard (amongst others) in my teens to want anything other than a Jackson, so even getting this little guitar was a bit of a dream. I couldn't be happier with it, by the way.
I've done the requisite reading on Scamsevere (who I see has just been banned from the 'Deth boards - what is that, fourth board to get rid of him so far?), and would love to post the requisite pic, but doesn't look like I can do that without linking it from somewhere. Anyways, sure you all know what one looks like!

Not really a full-time player myself, more a hobbyist who has been picking the instrument up and putting it back down again for several years. Late last year made a committment to learn properly, so mothballed my old Epiphone (Xmas pressie 1994) and splashed out on a Dinky DXMG. Listened to waaaay too much Megadeth and Def Leppard (amongst others) in my teens to want anything other than a Jackson, so even getting this little guitar was a bit of a dream. I couldn't be happier with it, by the way.
I've done the requisite reading on Scamsevere (who I see has just been banned from the 'Deth boards - what is that, fourth board to get rid of him so far?), and would love to post the requisite pic, but doesn't look like I can do that without linking it from somewhere. Anyways, sure you all know what one looks like!