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Further proof that Guitar Center sucks

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  • #31
    The problem I see with GC is the people that walk in with a chip on their shoulder about it to begin with. It is what it is. It's a big chain store. They have an inventory targeted towards moving shit as fast as they can. It's all about turnover. They have no depth in any product line. They sell what most people want. It's like going to any other chain store whether it's a Harris Teeter grocer, Home Depot, or Circuit City. They all sell "the basics" and what's trendy. For those sorts of things, GC is just fine.

    As for the customer service, I've rarely had any problems. They are certainly no better or worse than most mom and pop shops. I've had some outstanding service at GC but never miserable service.

    BTW, GC is not run by morons. Jacksons aren't stocked because they don't sell in most markets.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #32
      Well said, Tim.
      Harris Teeter grocery store? What's that? Ever heard of Cub Foods?

      Also, GC even goes one step further in stocking guitars. I know that they do not stock Ibanez SZ guitars because they'd rather sell the Schecter C series. Why? They are basically the same guitars but the profit margins are greater on the Schecters for GC.


      • #33
        To me, GC/Musicians Friend is like the Walmart, K-Mart, CostCo, Sams Club of the music biz. The only difference being I can negotiate price somewhat in a retail/salesperson situation whereas I really can not (in most ciscumstances) do that at the previously mentioned chains.


        • #34
          The trick with GC is to find one or two employees who "get it" and deal only with them. I have encountered some truly atrocious sales tactics from some GC, and there have been a number of times when I would take a guitar, pedal or cables from the guitar department and pay for them at the pro audio or drum desk just so the pricks in the guitar department didn't get the sale. Obviously, they aren't goint to stock certain products if they won't sell. Most of the USA Jacksons I've seen at the nearest GC hung on the wall for years, until they finally marked them way down just to make room for something else.

          The problem with so many local shops is that they aren't offering better service than GC. I don't expect a tiny shop to compete with GC's pricing, and I understand that every employee can't be an expert on every product, but good customer service is more important to me than prices. Don't treat a customer as an inconvenience.


          • #35
            Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
            They don't seem to train their people very well if at all.
            ah, but see, you are missing the entire point here. I would posit that they train their people very well, but their training is intended to benefit GC, not customers.

            they train them to sell. they don't train them to educate customers.

            they know perfectly well that an educated customer is not to their benefit.
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #36
              Originally posted by Inazone View Post
              The trick with GC is to find one or two employees who "get it" and deal only with them. I have encountered some truly atrocious sales tactics from some GC, and there have been a number of times when I would take a guitar, pedal or cables from the guitar department and pay for them at the pro audio or drum desk just so the pricks in the guitar department didn't get the sale.

              I do much the same.


              • #37
                The guys at the Tampa store are cool. Not the most knowledable but OK overall.
                Have gotten cool deals and it is a place to go and fart around. I get most of my supplies there such as strings, picks, cables, etc.

                My high end purchases are made online almost exclusively.
                Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

