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New Forum Idea - "Dear Jackson / Charvel"

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  • #46
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #47
      Originally posted by toejam View Post
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #48
        Just enjoy the board that we have. Unless JCMI corrects their pricing, I would guess 90% of the board members here are out of the current price market they have set.

        So anything they would have to say, wouldn't mean that much anyway.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Venomboy View Post
          John Walker was a fucking dick at BCR and a dick on this forum. I'm glad his fat ass is gone.
          Well, there you are folks. A prime example of why representatives from J/C no longer participate here.

          Just as well. I would be embarassed for them to participate here anyways as long as people post with attitudes like that.


          - E.
          Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


          • #50
            Walker had the attitude. Proved it over and over again.

            Again, if a company is going to embrace the web, they need to get over the fact that people will bitch, whine, and moan at them. If they cannot handle that they are pussies.

            WAAAAH. Those JCF guys keep bugging me. WAAAAH. They want to know why they can't have Stratheads. WAAAAH. They don't like me. WAAAH WAAAH WAAAAH.

            FWIW, I never had a problem with McD. He was friendly and helpful and seemed genunine.


            • #51
              All of my interactions with John and Brian have been great.
              John has gone above and beyond in getting issues resolved with one of my guitars and if it's an issue HE can fix, he has done it. I realize there are certain things that were beyond his control. He could forward our issues on to the powers that be, but to crucify him the way some have done is just plain wrong.

              I know everyone has their asshole moments, me included, but some of the shit slung here was down right disrespectful.

              Sure, there have been a few things that have pissed me off about the QC issues and such, but to attack someone the way some members here have done was just uncalled for.

              This place is the worst when it comes to beating a dead horse on an issue.
              Acknowledge and move the fuck on already.


              • #52
                To me when fender purchased jackson they had at least a 5 year plan of what they were going to do. Yes mainly price increases but they have changed a lot of things though mostly on the imports. Real duncans, active emgs, wood changes and even a few new models. I think they took the suggestions from us and will make changes as need be-(drops in sales). If its not broken they are not going to fix it. We are dealing with the accountants and marketing people who are following the plan. Hopefully better quality control will come soon, but that plan will be followed! As an accountant myself I know when you are trying to fix issues that there is going to be a time period where the product quality will not match the price. Who knows how much of the QC issues are getting back to corporate too. The guy that did listen to us in now higher up so I would think our suggests have been taken to heart. The new guy hopefully is taking care of the existing issues.
                Right now I think they look at us as the spoiled child who never stops crying and bitching. One big point-if they are talking to us they would have to admit that they know about the QC issues to corporate. They need that deniability to keep their jobs:ROTF: .
                I think they have had some set backs in there plan (i.e. demartini's signature guitars and loosing Mustaine again).
                enough of my .02
                Last edited by Rich#6; 05-12-2007, 05:59 AM.


                • #53
                  If we didn't care about what was happening, we wouldn't even bother to bitch. I f you had a good friend that was going down the the tubes with booze, you wouldn't ignore the fact to spare his feelings, would you?

                  I make a very respectable living. It wasn't the extra cost consideration of ordering a strathead Charvel. It was the attitude of, "You'll play this guitar without complaint and be grateful that we allowed you to purchase it", attitude which I personally felt some were experiencing, albeit on their one sided accounts.

                  My heart said order a strathead, but I am too old to hope that Santa will come through and bring me what I actually wished for, so I went with a company that supplied some if the options, yet all of the quality that Charvel/ Jackson were once guaranteed to produce.

                  We are still here. Some got frustrated early on, and went with the company I placed my order with; John Suhr. Ironically, the founder of this company did many great things for FMIC and is continuing to do them on his own with yet another prolific former FMIC employee, Ed Yoon.

                  They are running a business, we are consumers. The company and employees produce a product and we may choose to support their efforts and decisions by enabling them capital to continue with future endeavors by ingratiating.

                  By the nature of the amounts of posts having issues with the company, at least I am sure that the consumers are aware of this paramount exchange that precedes this sentence...
                  Last edited by El_Kabong; 05-13-2007, 02:59 AM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mayday View Post

                    Sorry there has been no JCMI login in months

                    You know they are going to read what's being said about the product. They just don't want to deal with complaints. You guys that want a Jackson section back should just copy and paste this to every question you have. It's what JW used to do. Go Custom Shop if you want that. Or: Call Fender Customer Service at 1-800-...-....

