I'm a Charvel newbie, know nearly nothing and there are some things I wonder why.. So guess I need some education!
What makes me think that
1-)Charvels are 1 hum guitars?
2-)Charvels should have maple fretboards?
3-)Charvels should have non-recessed floyds?
4-)When built to exact same specifications a Charvel would be better and more durable than a Jackson? And someone who knows a lot about guitars should prefer Charvels over Jacksons
(I still like Jacksons much more)
5-)Why don't I know anything about Charvels?
What makes me think that
1-)Charvels are 1 hum guitars?
2-)Charvels should have maple fretboards?
3-)Charvels should have non-recessed floyds?
4-)When built to exact same specifications a Charvel would be better and more durable than a Jackson? And someone who knows a lot about guitars should prefer Charvels over Jacksons

5-)Why don't I know anything about Charvels?

