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Opinions on possible custom shop order

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  • Opinions on possible custom shop order

    Hi everyone, here. I've searched the forum and I know there are several threads about custom shop Jacksons, but I haven't been able to find exactly what I'm looking for.

    I entered the Jackson world a few weeks back after playing, (and in a couple cases being fortunate to own), many different types of guitars. As I imagine was the case with many of you, when I picked up a Jackson (RR1 in my case), the neck converted me to a Jackson believer in record time. I was and am still amazed at the ease with which bending the strings, adding vibrato, and just general playing is on this guitar, and I won't even mention the ridiculously long sustain.

    I've decided that Jackson is the company to build my dream guitar, and the style of the guitar is an SL1. Ultimate versatility in pickup switching, neck thru construction, and 24 frets are all things this model does and does well.

    My problem is that I live in the state of North Carolina, where there are no custom dealers. I've looked around the forum for good recommendations on dealers, but I'm still unsure where to go and whether or not it's worth it to go the custom shop route. I filled out my custom shop form to send it to an authorized dealer who seems to be highly thought of on this site, but didn't even get a reply (2 days and counting) when I sent a question on whether or not it would be ok to order through him.

    So, after that lengthy background info, my question is two fold. First, is it worth my time and money to go the custom shop route? The main things I want that are outside of normal specs are an unfinished neck, ebony board with no inlays, a reverse headstock and the warbird finish with a different pin-up model than the one featured on the custom shop page.

    Second, is there any type of consensus on a good dealer who'd be willing to work on me through the mail order route as I have to go that way or drive to Virginia, where I'm still not going to be playing the guitar until it's finished.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, and I will post some pictures of my RR1 for everyone to see once I get a chance to snap some good photos.

  • #2
    If the dealer sent off the Quote Form to Jackson, he's probably waiting for Jackson to return the quote so he can tell you how much it will be. Dealers don't generate the quotes, Jackson does each one on an individual basis, especially where graphics are concerned.

    Only you can decide if those features are worth the price, as that's a fair amount of money (I'm guessing over $3500 based on the last price increase, but remember, dealer prices cannot be stated here).

    I've dealt with both Matt's Music and VWall for Custom Shop USA Jacksons, and have nothing but praise for both of them. While I haven't bought Customs from Jacksonite/Piney Hills and Onlinestagegear, I have bought guitars from both of them and was well-pleased. Those are the only dealers I've worked with, and it's safe to say you'd have no trouble with either of them.
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    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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    • #3
      Custom shop guitars are very expensive, especially ones from Jackson. Also, from reading posts on this forum at least, the Jackson custom shop seems to be having some pretty serious QC issues.

      As far as the dealers on this board, I hear nothing but praise for them, so I wouldn't be worried if it's been a few days with no contact. As Newc said, they're probably waiting to hear from Jackson.


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice Newc and Spivonious. I really appreciate the help.


        • #5
          Just want to throw my .02 in here.
          I would have to say that not all custom shops from Jackson are having QC issues...
          Like many companies, sometimes a QC issue can arrive but I would be confident in saying that Jackson CS's are still at the top of their game.

          As for Piney hills, I beleive he is now a custom shop dealer.
          And tho we are competitors, He's a good friend and I highly recommend him if you are lookig into a CS Jackson.


          • #6
            I'm pretty sure I already spoke with you Jim, but please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. I'm happy to help in any way I can!
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