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  • Endorsed?

    If anyone else on this board is "endorsed" by Jackson, as I am, then I'd appreciate some feedback because I have been having some issues with them for the past several months, or more.

    Granted, being endorsed by Jackson (for me at least) only amounts to having my name and band link on the Artists web page, and once getting tickets to the Summer NAMM last year. Perhaps, if things would actually work out (or if Brian would reply to my email), I might get a discount on a Custom Shop guitar that I want, but it's not happening. In fact, nothing seems to be happening.

    Now I don't mean to berate Jackson, by gawd I looooooove their USA guitars tremendously. My KE2 is the best guitar I've every put my hands on, and whether their communication skills suck or not, and whether I'm endorsed or not, I am still going to play my beloved Jackson USA's.

    So what the hell is going on over at Jackson? Or should I say Fender? I have emailed them (Brian and John) requesting tickets for NAMM, which is THIS WEEKEND but neither of them has replied to me. Not only that, but I've emailed Brian a number of times regarding CS guitars, and while he responded to me once several months ago, he has not responded to me after that.

    I'm feeling a bit miffed about this. On one hand I can understand that they're probably busy guys, and that I'm not the top dog on their totem pole of "endorsees", but what gives? I have always had the strong feeling that responding promptly to people's inquiries, especially people whose interests you are working for, should be very high on one's list of responsibilities. I saw that with John Walker. He was awesome, responded promptly and answered my questions. Took care of me. But with Brian, I am feeling very much left out in the cold, and ignored.

    Is it just me? Is anyone else experiencing this? I try and try to let it roll off my shoulder, but I can't do it anymore. Know what I mean?

    Your thoughts, co-miserations, explanations, hugs, etc., would be most welcome.

  • #2
    Sorry I don't have any experiance with Jackson in that capacity but I can offer a hug

    Give me a call if you want to try the Mojo way. I can see you rocking with something like this

    Body by Mojo Bodies and finished by the owner, MM2002.


    • #3
      2 months leading up to namm is always extremely hectic for them...if i ever really needed to get ahold of mcd i used to call him even tho i hated bothering for discounts?...umm...i never even asked, they still cant pry my main 88 soloist from my hands lol...d.m.


      • #4
        Thanks for the hug and thoughts. I understand being busy prior to NAMM, but still, communication is vital to any business, regardless of the circumstances, especially when those circumstances are directly related to their business and business partners.


        • #5
          I'm not endorsed, but I do know that John Walker has moved on from the role he had when he was their rep on the JCF. Chris Fleming seems to be the guy 'in charge' at the CS, or at least I think he's Mike Kotzen's boss...
          Popular is not the same as good
          Rare is not the same as valuable
          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


          • #6
            Annah. We in the music retail business have that same problem around NAMM. We can never get a hold of anybody at the venders to get a question answered. Even one as minute as the availability of a color. All venders are like this around NAMM. Epsecaily the big guys. Like Fender (et all) and Gibson. But you get a hug from me anyway just because. :*


            • #7
              OK ..hands off the endorser ..
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #8
                I've not e-mailed them in a long time, but as far as I know the artist rep is still McD.
                ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                • #9
                  Hey thanks Gil, et al. I appreciate that lots. Makes me feel better about the situation. I do have a problem in that if I don't hear from someone(s) in a while, especially when I'm trying to contact them, I sorta freak out. So all your words put me more at ease. Even with the wonky contact issues, I am still very VERY proud to be a member of the Jackson Army (as it were).

                  Thanks and big hugs back atcha!


                  • #10
                    if I were in your position Annah, I'd also expect a reasonably prompt response. that is just common courtesy. it's a shame that FMIC is choosing not to demonstrate that kind of common courtesy even to people like you whom they have a business arrangement with.

                    but given all we've heard and seen lately from FMIC's handling of the JCMI piece, I'm not surprised.

                    if it were me, I'd be burning up someone's phone lines rather than waiting for an overdue email response.
                    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                    • #11
                      and the NAMM excuse is total BS, as that is the time when FMIC should be expecting higher volume of contacts to them and making arrangements to handle these properly. failure to plan for things like this points to incompetence.
                      the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                      • #12
                        jackson was same way when amic owned them as well...d.m.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by skorb View Post
                          and the NAMM excuse is total BS, as that is the time when FMIC should be expecting higher volume of contacts to them and making arrangements to handle these properly. failure to plan for things like this points to incompetence.
                          Agreed. And shouldn't they have the courtesy of contacting all of their endorsees several weeks ahead of time and asking them how many NAMM tickets they need?

