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Admins I have a question about the forum.....

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  • Admins I have a question about the forum.....

    Hey there! While I realize you've been working very hard on the site lately, is there a specific place(HOLD YOUR TONGUE! [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img] ) that you want us to report errors such as this?
    An error has occurred:

    (RequireCode) NonCGIPath/Templates/ (RequireVars) MembersPath/pm_topics/B/00000360.cgi: syntax error at MembersPath/pm_topics/B/00000360.cgi line 1, near ">"

    Please inform the board administration of this error so that they may fix the problem. Thank you!"

    I have informed you about this via email but I'm not sure you got it. Honestly, I'm not being a pain, I just wanted to help. I get this error when I try to access the Private messaging area in my profle. Also, where the messeges normally are, I have all the graphics showing from the main page on there. Very odd.
    Hope this helps...
    Dave ->

    "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"