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So, Grover is back

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  • #61
    I can't possibly think of one single good reason to bring back these color schemes, and at these prices.


    • #62
      Definately nothing there for me....not for that price especially


      • #63
        Originally posted by KevinDguitar View Post
        ... Just like so much of the boutique/new vintage/retro market is aimed at guys chasing the ghost of SRV, Dwayne and the ghosts of the Fillmore.
        umm someone buying a reproduction of an glam metal classic ( gay spiderman) to try and chase the ghost of srv uuummmmm ok
        Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
        Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
          I did not get real empressed till Dan Lawrence started doing the graphics that had more dimension to them. 1-d graphics like the spider web and the bolt are pretty boring.
          That's EXACTLY what I was thinking about these. The graphics got a lot better in the late '80s and early '90s. The early '80s graphics (and these are very good repros) look like something I would have tried painting when I was 13.

          I can understand why FMIC is latching on to the collectibles market, but it still depresses me--it's a sign that J/C players are turning into the same boring, nostalgia-ridden old farts that Gibson and Fender guys have been for awhile. And since I just turned 40, I'm kinda sensitive to that.


          • #65
            if I wanted some graphics like this, I'd make the guitar myself from parts and have it painted to my liking. I must say that I think the Bullseye and Candy-Cane are pretty cool.

            (And Im no Old man )
            Out Of Ideas


            • #66
              Holy s**t. Something just occured to me - almost every guitar in this run is a replica of a graphic from Trace's collection. Same schemes, colors, etc. The only exception is the gold lightning bolt Star, which is really just a riff on the prior LE Star anyway.

              Limited Edition Grover Jackson Series Charvels? They ought to call it the T.Jenkins line, instead.


              • #67
                What kills me is that the originals are not even worth this much.
                Yes Frankie repro $25K , Original 1 mil.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by texasfury View Post
                  Charvels by Grover Jackson? What next, Jacksons by Wayne Charvel? Or a Randy Rhoads PC1?

                  Your kidding, I hope?
                  "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Mr Metal View Post
                    When are they bringing Wayne back (to corporate guitars)?
                    For the before/after picture may be ?
                    He's he really doing something there ("inspecting the neck" ), or is this just another great idea of the marketing department ?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                      With reasonable prices - and maybe some equipped with Floyds, instead - I'd bet that many of us criticizing them now would probably otherwise have had very different opinions of the same exact designs. Instead of thinking of them as quirky remakes of some of the cheesiest graphic schemes ever, we might otherwise be perceiving them as retro-cool ...
                      Or NOT!
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                        Or NOT!
                        Hence, why I said "many of us". Not "all of us". Heck, I don't even count myself in that "many" category.

                        And, heck, if Trace were selling, we might be able to get the originals for less, anyway. :ROTF:


                        • #72
                          About the only graphic in that re-issue series that isn't absolutey awful is the offset b/w bullseye. And even that one is borderline.

                          I like a good number of the later '80's graphics, that showed a more artistic touch. The Rising Sun graphics would be cool to see again. But not at that price point or even a 1/3 of it.

                          By the way, I'm 40 so I sort of remember the '80's.
                          Last edited by fuel0707; 08-30-2007, 08:34 AM.
                          Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Super_shredder View Post
                            umm someone buying a reproduction of an glam metal classic ( gay spiderman) to try and chase the ghost of srv uuummmmm ok
                            not what I meant.. saying that these guitars are aimed at folks who want to revisit a certain era/time and who have the desposable cash to do so. I don't really think that any of these were or are intended to interest "new" players to the Charvel brand.. its nostalgia.
                            DiMarzio Endorsee
                            Morley Endorsee
                            "Intelli-Shred" author
                            NEW BOOK OUT! "ARPEGGIO MADNESS


                            • #74
                              I'm 25 and there is no way I'd use any of these. The lightning bolt is ok, but I really think it seems like something that high schoolers would use, at least when I was in high school.

                              I think you're dead on saying that they aren't trying to attract any new customers. I would be careful hyping these or you'll lose potential customers for years to come!


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by KevinDguitar View Post
                                not what I meant.. saying that these guitars are aimed at folks who want to revisit a certain era/time and who have the desposable cash to do so. I don't really think that any of these were or are intended to interest "new" players to the Charvel brand.. its nostalgia.
                                Probably... I'm 40, still very fond of hard rock, and since the 80's, I earned some money and surely lost a few brain cells, but not enough to pay 7500$ for this !

