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Is anyone writing to FMIC about bad policies?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Jacksonite View Post
    I really think Jackson Charvel and the powers that be are trying really hard to fix the problems they have been having.

    One thing, is I have been talking to the custom shop guys on getting some quotes, and they are being way more meticulous than what it seemed before.
    They know there is a problem with that side. As far as the prices, well the USAs are the same for most part as they have been for the past 10 years retail wise.. they are up less than 10% from 1999 when I bought my USA Kelly...
    the same guitar is only a little bit more
    Less than 10% since 1999? How can people get newer quites that are 30+ % more than in 1996? I am not saying you are wrong, but many have gotten quotes and they said the CS prices are way up. That is before Master Built bullshit which is wrong on many levels.



    • #77
      I think he was talking about USA Select.


      • #78
        FYI ..... The Fender people do not work on the Jackson's, Charvel's or EVH guitars. We are separated... it's a completley different process.



        • #79
          Hey Julian, don't hold back...tell us what you really think
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #80
            Postal goes postal... I know getting fired sucks, but to bring these details out in a public forum, especially in the way you do, is... well, not a smart career move imo. Maybe you don't mind, but if this thread stays online, it will be cached on the Internet for everybody to search... with your name on it.
            AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


            • #81
              Originally posted by jackson1 View Post
              Postal goes postal... I know getting fired sucks, but to bring these details out in a public forum, especially in the way you do, is... well, not a smart career move imo. Maybe you don't mind, but if this thread stays online, it will be cached on the Internet for everybody to search... with your name on it.
              Ditto, +1, 10-4. I appreciate his input, but I get the feeling someone is going to yank that chain. I talk about work in a generic sense, but I try to never post anything that I couldn't back up without regretting it later. It could get really nasty.


              • #82
                - Honey! Would you come here for a second?
                - Yes, my dear wife?
                - Look, it says here in the Internet that everyone at work thinks you're gay!
                - ...


                • #83
                  Originally posted by ZZB View Post
                  - Honey! Would you come here for a second?
                  - Yes, my dear wife?
                  - Look, it says here in the Internet that everyone at work thinks you're gay!
                  - ...


                  • #84
                    Yeah, I calmed down a bit after my nap... and cleaned it up a little.

                    I just know for a fact that Bionic is not completely truthfull.


                    • #85
                      'S all wack, postal.
                      Keep being cool....


                      • #86
                        Postal’s post #81 was a bit of a rampage, and I can see why it might bug people a little, but I think it’s kinda cool that we got some insider info that we wouldn’t have otherwise gotten. It’s a shame that he wasn’t allowed to identify himself as an FMIC employee when he first signed on. Maybe we the consumers who love J/C products deserve to have an insider or two to let us know what’s going on. Just my thoughts on the subject.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by jackson1 View Post
                          Postal goes postal... I know getting fired sucks, but to bring these details out in a public forum, especially in the way you do, is... well, not a smart career move imo. Maybe you don't mind, but if this thread stays online, it will be cached on the Internet for everybody to search... with your name on it.
                          This thread is getting better by the day. First,I'd like to give credit to Julian for speaking his mind. There are always several sides to a story but we are obviously not going to hear the truth from FMIC. So for whatever reason you got fired, you still had an inside view of what is discussed here all the time.

                          Second, who is Mike McGregor and why did he just pop in on this thread and disappear just as fast? I really feel that if Fender or J/C gave a rats ass what the true fans of the product actually thought, they would make a better effort to find out what we think. Real companies who care and want to grow use focus groups all the time for their research.

                          Finally, the other day I got a price on a cs Jackson that I was interested in buying. When I got the price, I just had to laugh. J/C are either out of their minds thinking they are something they're not or purposly trying to kill the company. The relationship between the quality issues that are discussed here at length and the new pricing structure are completely out of balance. I have purchased 3 guitars in the last 5 months and all three are PRS.
                          "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
                          I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by MikeStrat View Post

                            Second, who is Mike McGregor and why did he just pop in on this thread and disappear just as fast?

                            Mike McGregor is a product manager for Fender Jackson...a lot of us emailed him privately. He is looking into our issues and is working on a response.

                            I have been waiting 2 yrs for my CS jackson and he is trying to get me an ETA on completion.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by deflep View Post
                              Mike McGregor is a product manager for Fender Jackson...a lot of us emailed him privately. He is looking into our issues and is working on a response.

                              I have been waiting 2 yrs for my CS jackson and he is trying to get me an ETA on completion.
                              My feeling is 2 years for any guitar is total bullshit! Unless you are requesting some special wood from a tropical rainforest in Africa. I'm curious what the specs are for your guitar that is taking 2 years to build. I hope it is something special. You have a lot more patience than I do my friend.

                              I also think if Mike or Fender really gave a crap, he/they would at least read whats on the JCF. Who better to get feedback from than the players and buyers that thought enough of the product to create a fan forum. I know Mike can't really post or respond in his own words but at least read. I'm sure the responses you guys get are going to be corporate/attorney responses which will not truly answers any questions.

                              Honestly, I'm a J/C fan but I couldn't care less if they close the doors Monday. I just wish they would pick a direction! If you're going to charge $4K-$7K for a guitar, then step up the quality and make it somewhat worth the investment. If you're not, then bring the prices back in line with what your product is really worth in the market. You can't have it both ways. There are many other builders out there charging less for a lot better quality than J/C is offering.
                              "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
                              I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by MikeStrat View Post
                                Honestly, I'm a J/C fan but I couldn't care less if they close the doors Monday. I just wish they would pick a direction! If you're going to charge $4K-$7K for a guitar, then step up the quality and make it somewhat worth the investment. If you're not, then bring the prices back in line with what your product is really worth in the market. You can't have it both ways. There are many other builders out there charging less for a lot better quality than J/C is offering.

                                Amen brother.
                                BTW, who in the hell would wait 2 years for a custom guitar?!

                                Sorry folks... inside joke.
                                Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

