Hello everyone!
This is my first post here, so I hope to be welcomed properly! :P
I'm 29 and hail from Portugal.
I only play at home and this is the gear I currently own:
Jackson DK-7 COW - Black
Dean ML Select - Transbrazillian
Gibson SG Special ('87) - Red
Squier Tele Custom II P90's - Blonde
LP copy EMG'd - Goldtop
Strat copy - Sunburst (my first guitar)
Line6 Spider II 210 (I know, no tubes... but what can I say, I love solid state distortion, and this is a versatile little amp to have at home)
Laney LC15R (I do love tubes for clean sounds, so this is for those cristal cleans and bluesy overdrives. JJ valves in there BTW)
I decided to join 'cause I just bought a DK-7 COW.
It's the second Jackson guitar I owned, the first being a very crappy JS20 (me thinks), that I sold long ago to a friend. I hated that guitar and after playing that I didnt thought much of Jackson guitars.
A few weeks ago, while searching for a cool 7-stringer, I fell in love with the DK-7 and decided to buy it. (I do have a soft-spot for single pickup guitars, so the combination of both features really cought my eye).
I just got it and its amazing! But I'm sure you all know its features and playing friendlyness, so ON WITH THE PORN:

This is, as expected, a one-trick-pony. A METAL-trick-stallion to be exact!
Plays like butter, screams like a banshee from hell! lol
This is my first post here, so I hope to be welcomed properly! :P
I'm 29 and hail from Portugal.
I only play at home and this is the gear I currently own:
Jackson DK-7 COW - Black
Dean ML Select - Transbrazillian
Gibson SG Special ('87) - Red
Squier Tele Custom II P90's - Blonde
LP copy EMG'd - Goldtop
Strat copy - Sunburst (my first guitar)
Line6 Spider II 210 (I know, no tubes... but what can I say, I love solid state distortion, and this is a versatile little amp to have at home)
Laney LC15R (I do love tubes for clean sounds, so this is for those cristal cleans and bluesy overdrives. JJ valves in there BTW)
I decided to join 'cause I just bought a DK-7 COW.
It's the second Jackson guitar I owned, the first being a very crappy JS20 (me thinks), that I sold long ago to a friend. I hated that guitar and after playing that I didnt thought much of Jackson guitars.
A few weeks ago, while searching for a cool 7-stringer, I fell in love with the DK-7 and decided to buy it. (I do have a soft-spot for single pickup guitars, so the combination of both features really cought my eye).
I just got it and its amazing! But I'm sure you all know its features and playing friendlyness, so ON WITH THE PORN:

This is, as expected, a one-trick-pony. A METAL-trick-stallion to be exact!
Plays like butter, screams like a banshee from hell! lol