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I got one of these also...

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  • I got one of these also...

    I've also got one of these in blue:

    Are they collectable?
    If I was to respray the body would it loose much value?

  • #2
    Pretty generic Ontario era Jackson... I seriously doubt it would lose any value if you repainted it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
      Pretty generic Ontario era Jackson... I seriously doubt it would lose any value if you repainted it.

      What ya rekon? Mirror black with gold sequence?


      • #4
        Mirror black is cool... tough paint job to get right though.
        You have to get the body smooth as silk. Any imperfection will stand out like a sore thumb.
        What do you mean by "gold sequence"?


        • #5
          Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
          Mirror black is cool... tough paint job to get right though.
          You have to get the body smooth as silk. Any imperfection will stand out like a sore thumb.
          What do you mean by "gold sequence"?
          It's like gold sparkle but the chunks are a bit bigger, randomly angled and sparcely scattered so light makes it sparkle at certain angles.

          I might just stick to the mirror black


          • #6
            I'd keep it original, and save some money. Nothing wrong with the way it looks now. Ferrari red is one of my favorite Jackson color shades, but to each his own.


            • #7
              Originally posted by excon View Post
              I'd keep it original, and save some money. Nothing wrong with the way it looks now. Ferrari red is one of my favorite Jackson color shades, but to each his own.
              His is actually blue... he grabbed a pic from the gallery for reference that happened to be a red one.
              But you would have known that if your read his entire post.


              • #8
                Blue is my favorite color, so I'd keep it the way it is. But if you must repaint it, please do a good job. I tried repainting once and I pretty much ruined a King V Std.


                • #9
                  I hate to disagree but re-finishing it will kill the value of your guitar. Re-finishing ANY guitar will kill the resale value by at least 50%. Now you have to decide if it's worth it to you to do it...

                  Personally, if it's a USA Jackson, I wouldn't touch it...
                  I'm angry because you're stupid


                  • #10
                    BTW the guitar in the pic IIRC was jim shines & it was a true dimas era strat. at least by the dates on the guitar.

                    & yes refins kill the value of a guitar unless its already a basket case


                    • #11
                      dude, i love the model series blue spakle!
                      get a gold Schaller for it and it'll look KILLER on the blue body!
                      Widow - "We have songs"




                      • #12
                        I disagree... if the original finish is a solid finish and the refinish is a pro job, I don't see how it would kill the value to bad, if at all.
                        50% reduction in value because of a refin? Unless it as a shitty job, I don't think so.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                          I disagree... if the original finish is a solid finish and the refinish is a pro job, I don't see how it would kill the value to bad, if at all.
                          50% reduction in value because of a refin? Unless it as a shitty job, I don't think so.
                          Its not so much about the quality, its the fact that it'll be modded. Makes little sense really but its the way it is.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by demeyes View Post
                            Its not so much about the quality, its the fact that it'll be modded. Makes little sense really but its the way it is.
                            Exactly. I'll pay a lot more for a slightly dinged up original finish than I will for a re-fin, regardless of how well it's done.


                            • #15
                              I have to agree with Rick here. What is the guitar worth? 700 bux? A quality refin is gonna make it worth $350? I don't think so. Sure, you purists (no jab intended) may think so because you like the guitars YOU buy to have the original finish. If GMW put a new finish on that guitar, I do not think the value would go down one penny. Of course, if you sell it afterwards, you may take a hit on what you now have in it. But I do not see how it would ruin the base value of the guitar.
                              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

