Hi all. New to the boards so thought I'd introduce myself and my axes.
Been into Jacksons since I saw pics of Mustaine and Friedman in a metal mag when I was about 17. 10 years later I cant play like them, but at least I've got some Cool Jacksons.
My 1st ever Jackson. JRR 94 In the process of refinishing it


Little mod to make playing it sat down easier.

2nd Jackson. Mutt Kelly Reverse which started as a PS6T. Since added an Original Floyd, Duncan TB5/SH2N pickups, reverse sharkie/headstock neck.

Been into Jacksons since I saw pics of Mustaine and Friedman in a metal mag when I was about 17. 10 years later I cant play like them, but at least I've got some Cool Jacksons.
My 1st ever Jackson. JRR 94 In the process of refinishing it


Little mod to make playing it sat down easier.

2nd Jackson. Mutt Kelly Reverse which started as a PS6T. Since added an Original Floyd, Duncan TB5/SH2N pickups, reverse sharkie/headstock neck.
