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guitar center jacksons?

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  • #31
    I just dropped in to the worst of the 3 GC's in my area to buy some strings. GC is full of useless information and is a retail hellhole, as it is. Don't go in! The place is toxic. Have you seen the people that work there?

    All the usual douchebaggery aside, I saw a fair number of import Jacksons. Stylistically, the 2 black dinky's with EMG's caught my attention and held up pretty well against the Ibanez and Schecter offerings. Other than that, the major competition for the metal dollars, models for mid range 400-1200, had better features than the Jackson stuff on hand. Schecter seems like the real winner - best style, features, materials. Anyone with any savvy is going to try a half dozen Schecters or more and pick the best playing sounding one of the lot.

    So, the models just don't seem to be there, and clearly the J/C side is not where the marketing talent at FMIC goes. I still hold out hope for a revival. Come on FMIC, start seeking out the best of the young talent coming up in aggressive music, and pull the trigger on some good endorsements.


    • #32
      Originally posted by åron View Post
      I just dropped in to the worst of the 3 GC's in my area to buy some strings.
      Would those three be San Jose, San Fran, and Oakland?

      The San Jose GC use to have tons of Jacksons back in the day. (mid 90's) They even had ones with the fancy graphics on them. I haven't been to the SJ GC in a while, but the Gilroy GC has a couple of Jacksons. One or two DKMG's, Some DK2M's and DXMG's, and a DK2. (some V's as well) They seem to have less everytime I go, like they're selling but not replenishing...
      "Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant." - on the back of the business card for Bella the Pomeranian

      The comments expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of management.


      • #33
        I just want to know who hired the idiots that work at GC.there are some knowladgable guys that work there but most of them are tardos.I went to GC to try out a BOSS Gt-8,I asked a kid if I could get some headphones and he said DUDE good luck finding those around here.So I found my own after like 2 seconds.While I was ther I saw a line 6 pod xt live used for 229.00 in almost new condition.I grabbed it and took it to the counter to buy it where I was told that there was a 15 day hold on used items and that I could put it on layaway.I got pissed and asked why they put it on the floor if it wasnt for sale yet and the kid said "I dont know dude." I feel like im at a day care center when I go there
        Last edited by BODOM; 11-30-2007, 10:58 PM.


        • #34
          I asked one of the managers at a local GC where I purchased a new SL2H for $1,300.00 out the door why they didn't stock more USA Jacksons. He told me that the corporation could stock 5 or 6 guitars for the price of one USA Jackson. I thanked him for his honesty and he's the only one I'll do any major business with when I go there!
          Last edited by Outlander; 11-30-2007, 11:31 PM.


          • #35
            BTW, they keep the high end guitars out of reach, high up on the wall for a reason.


            • #36
              Originally posted by pro-fusion View Post
              I pretty much only go there now to look for used guitars.
              I have bought only two USA Jacksons over the years from GC and they were both used. One was a Rhoads LTD and the other was a custom shop Kelly that was originally built for Jack Frost. Both came from the same GC in Cleveland, couldn't pass those up Never bought a new guitar from any GC. I find much better deals with online dealers as well as small local shops.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Firebird V View Post
                GC sucks... lol.
                Yes they do.

                Originally posted by Outlander View Post
                BTW, they keep the high end guitars out of reach, high up on the wall for a reason.
                I caught an attitude from a GC jerkoff once when I asked about trying a USA RR that was way up high. He made a comment like, "If you're really thinking about buying it, I'll take it down. Otherwise, no." Yeah, I walked out and the fuck head lost a sale that day.
                Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                • #38
                  GC hires the best talent they can find and those who actually want to work (are there any young folks that like to work anymore?) This can be said about most large retail stores. Ahhrrg, get off my lawn! I'm getting too old for this
                  Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                    At least I have never seen a ESP in GC.
                    I have... a nice, old black Eclipse from the '80s (the original Eclipse Tele shape like Scott Ian and Izzy Stradlin used to play, with the Jackson-style headstock), but they wanted like $1500 for it! :ROTF:

                    I did see a Custom Shop Rhoads one time, white with black bevels, EMGs and cross inlays. They wanted like $2000 for it. I later found out it belonged to Jack Frost. I think someone here on this board in another country owns it now.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #40
                      GC Employees don't have a monopoly on cluelessness.

                      Most people think that they are smarter than most other people. It's a documented psychological phenomenon.

                      That just proves that most people really are idiots, we can't all be above average!


                      • #41
                        GC Employees don't have a monopoly on cluelessness
                        That's for sure! After work (dressed with a tie) I picked up a guitar from my tech shop the other day and the kid who hair is in dreadlocks for at least half his hair first says this gig bag looks like you. (Got it free from an ebay purchase and I actualy hate it too.) He knows it's a Jackson and he says let me guess it has a white pickguard. Again
                        I felt insulted. I am not a clapton fanboy and how many Jacksons ever can with a white pickguard?
                        You get a 10 off your next setup coupon I so I said oh good I could use this if my new(to me) charvel needs a set up. He said he didn't know they still made Charvels.
                        Why the hell would any clerk make small talk like that and you can't get anymore clueless than that about gear.


                        • #42
                          The only expensive (2k and above) guitars they have in ANY large number are Gibsons, Fenders, and PRS, more traditional guitars. I'd be shocked to see an expensive guitar in there that didnt look like a collectors item.

                          They try and move product, and as soon as they see all theses ESP artist they will flood the place with cheap ESP's.

                          Originally posted by Endrik
                          the more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks


                          • #43
                            GC is essentially catering to kids, and kids are very fickle. I predict more copies of Guitar Hero III will be sold this Christmas than guitars.
                            "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                            - Ken M


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
                              These are all good comments. Before I found this forum in 2004, I thought Jackson's and Charvel's were history long ago. I've been playing 45 years now (damn I'm old), lived in at least 44 states (because of my job), visited almost every music store in each town and have never seen a Made in USA Jackson or Charvel in a music store. Guitar Center especially. They may have had an import, but I never would notice those. When Mars Music was still around, I would check out their lines as well as regular visits to 3 GC's in my area. Jackson's and Charvel's maybe, an old beater. Or, it could have been new since it's Mars or GC and had been used and abused demo

                              The big corporate stores are for mainstream products and as stated, best "rate of return". Good for the bean counters. I had a recent discussion with one of the store mgrs. He told me more policies each week and the guy's up top don't even understand the music business at all. Just profit margins!

                              Now, go try to find a Petros (as in Bruce Petro's) Fingerstyle acoustic at GC
                              ***** Cool that you started playing at age 1 !!
                              I just figured out that ive been playing for 42 years!
                              But after seeing some of these kids on Youtube, its
                              like ive been playing for 4 years !!!


                              • #45
                                I don't recall seeing any high end guitars in the Oklahoma City Guitar Center, no I did see a Les Paul Custom but thats it, at least I can get Mesa amps there.

