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New guy with a new toy!

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  • #16
    Nice guitar dude!!!


    • #17
      Welcome! Awesome guitar you grabbed there. The graveyard finish is amazing in person (I have an SL2H). The only thing that would make that one better is to have it rear loaded so the pick guard doesn't hide all of the details of the graveyard.

      Have you even thought about shipping your guitar to GMW to have Dan paint the pickguard to match the rest of the graphic? It might be worth the extra cash and really make that RR1 unique.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Robert Burns
        Welcome! And great first like to start "At the top"!
        That's for sure. The whole reason I didn't get a Jackson earlier was simply because everyone who played them were such great players. I didn't want to "defile" the instrument unless I felt like I was really ready for it. Of course, now that Fender has defiled it worse than I ever could....well, you get the idea. I'm not about to wait this long and buy an "authorized imitation" of the guitar I fell in love with so long ago.

        Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against Japanese guitars. I definately see a DK2M in my future and also really like the RR24, but if I'm going to spend money on an instrument made in India, it had better be a sitar!

        Originally posted by ADR
        For some reason I would love to play some King Diamond on it,like "Welcome Home"
        Dude, Andy LaRoque is awesome. King Diamond really knows how to recruit talent for his band. "The Family Ghost" and "A Mansion in Darkness" sound killer on this thing.

        Originally posted by Johnnyryche
        The only thing that would make that one better is to have it rear loaded so the pick guard doesn't hide all of the details of the graveyard.
        I agree. The pickguard does subtract a little from the finish, but now that I've got it I can't bear to be separated from it long enough to have it painted to match. My wife has already started referring to it as "my other wife." Sweet! I guess now I have a harem!
        The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it's still on the list.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Axewielder View Post

          and that bush here will be our little secret...

          ..and if you tell ANYONE...i will come to your house...and i will CUT you!...

          sorry u just reminded me of a fmaily guy episode when that guy was in the intro!!

          *i think thats how the line goes!*


          • #20
            Nice guitar! Reversed headstocks can really make the guitars stand out!


            • #21
              Great guitar...congrats! And to the person whomentioned Welcome Home...that song kicks ass!

