or at least a better player.
Case in point- since I got my first Jackson SL1 back in March I've pretty much played it & the Fusion Pro I picked up a few months ago exclusively. I wanted to work on string skipping & other techniques so I decided to learn to play Eric Johnson's Cliffs of Dover. Doing OK, not to speed.
But since Johnson plays it on a Stratocaster (live, played it on a es335 in studio, which I found interesting) I figured I'd whip out my 89 American Standard and give it a burn.
Oh boy.
I was just horrible, I mean more horrible than usual. All over the place, missing bends, sloppy, sloppy sloppy. I am sure that a large part of it can be attributed to the fact that YES, they are different guitars with different necks etc etc etc but the level of badness, even after some time trying, was notable.
I am a convert- I love my Stratocaster, I love my Les Paul, but when I really need to nail something, I'm reaching for my Jackson.
So I guess Jacksons= "Easy Mode"?
Case in point- since I got my first Jackson SL1 back in March I've pretty much played it & the Fusion Pro I picked up a few months ago exclusively. I wanted to work on string skipping & other techniques so I decided to learn to play Eric Johnson's Cliffs of Dover. Doing OK, not to speed.
But since Johnson plays it on a Stratocaster (live, played it on a es335 in studio, which I found interesting) I figured I'd whip out my 89 American Standard and give it a burn.
Oh boy.
I was just horrible, I mean more horrible than usual. All over the place, missing bends, sloppy, sloppy sloppy. I am sure that a large part of it can be attributed to the fact that YES, they are different guitars with different necks etc etc etc but the level of badness, even after some time trying, was notable.
I am a convert- I love my Stratocaster, I love my Les Paul, but when I really need to nail something, I'm reaching for my Jackson.
So I guess Jacksons= "Easy Mode"?
