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New Family Addition Pics

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  • New Family Addition Pics

    Well, since my first post here

    I've added a few new guys to the roster.

    1)Squire 51', scalloped MM neck, brass nut, Duncans
    2)Washburn MG-120, factory Duncans, designed by Grover J
    3)Hamer Centura, factory Duncans
    4)BC Rich STIII, factory Dimarzios

    5)RR Professional, stock except OFR
    6)Godin Artisan ST-VI
    7)Washburn Stephens Extended Cutaway EC-26, awaiting a Floyd install

    All are US made except the Squire and RR of course, and they all have their different little nuances.
    That's what's cool about having similar designed guitars by different manufacturers, it levels the comparison field somewhat.
    This ones neck profile, this ones finish, this ones layout ect.........

    Up next is either a Carvin or a US made Aria Pro that was put out a few years back. I'm having no luck finding one though at a reasonable price.
    The hunt is fun though so............enjoy.
    Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel

  • #2
    I like the RR. How does OFR fit in there?


    • #3
      all good except the stevens model is a bit, umm, hideous.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nazgul View Post
        I like the RR. How does OFR fit in there?
        I bought it that way so......I'm assuming it's a direct fit?
        I plan on installing a Jackson FR in it soon to put the OFR in the Washburn.
        Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel


        • #5
          Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
          all good except the stevens model is a bit, umm, hideous.
          It's definitely got some angles to it.
          I thought the 26 frets and the joint itself where something I'd like to try.
          The body is actually a solid piece of low grade flame maple, you can see a little in the top.
          Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel


          • #6
            Nice axes! That yellow RR is pretty but I'm also digging the Centaura.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mrrs View Post
              I bought it that way so......I'm assuming it's a direct fit?
              I plan on installing a Jackson FR in it soon to put the OFR in the Washburn.
              Originally those came with Schaller Floyds. It's a direct fit, except that the string locking bolts are too long to fit in the cavity...making pulling up a little bit difficult.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mrrs View Post
                I bought it that way so......I'm assuming it's a direct fit?
                I plan on installing a Jackson FR in it soon to put the OFR in the Washburn.
                As Naz hinted, the OFR does not fit the route on the Rhoads Pro. +1 on pulling the OFR and installing the original model trem for the Pro = a Schaller Floyd.

                Very cool yellow Rhoads Pro I would actually love to have a couple of nice close-up pictures of the OFR in that route - for people to see the problem with the overhanging locking bolts. I have one photo now, but it is very poor. Let me know if you will snap a few for me/us. It would be much appreciated.
                Last edited by jackson1; 01-08-2008, 04:15 PM.
                AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jackson1 View Post
                  Very cool yellow Rhoads Pro I would actually love to have a couple of nice close-up pictures of the OFR in that route - for people to see the problem with the overhanging locking bolts. I have one photo now, but it is very poor. Let me know if you will snap a few for me/us. It would be much appreciated.
                  I sent a few pics to the e-mail on your site Henrik.
                  Love your website too.
                  Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel


                  • #10
                    when ever i see concrete and a RR, i just get scared ...
                    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                    • #11
                      Some nice ones there.... a 25th fret would be useful when playing in D minor, to get that really intense, piercing upper F without having to do a bend.
                      "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                      The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


                      • #12
                        interesting, that Hamer looks like a Carvin. that was my first thought seeing the body and hs.

                        and the Godin looks - well, they aren't my cuppa. how does that one play? I have heard they are built well.
                        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mrrs View Post
                          I sent a few pics to the e-mail on your site Henrik.
                          Love your website too.
                          Thanks C, I wrote a reply to ya'
                          AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by skorb View Post
                            and the Godin looks - well, they aren't my cuppa. how does that one play? I have heard they are built well.
                            Both the Godins I own have two piece maple tops, nice hardware/electronics, and sound great so yeah I'd say they are built with lots of care that shows.

                            If you don't know they're made in Canada and assembled here in the US.
                            One of the best bargains in the used market for sure.
                            Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mrrs View Post
                              Both the Godins I own have two piece maple tops, nice hardware/electronics, and sound great so yeah I'd say they are built with lots of care that shows.

                              If you don't know they're made in Canada and assembled here in the US.
                              One of the best bargains in the used market for sure.
                              I've always liked Godins, that one is very nice. I like the RR too
                              Prosecutors will be violated...

