I've been thinking about making these rings at work but I wasn't sure how much of a need there is for these. The rings I'm speaking of are the larger ones found on the older Charvels or Jacksons. I started to make one for myself today and I thought maybe someone else could use these. I guess The problem is that I'm not sure it is actually "cost worthy" to do it. I guess if I would get enough requests for them it might be worth it so let me know what you think on this ok? Maybe also let me know what you'd be willing to give for these? They will be the exact same size and all the features of the originals except the pebbly grained finish, that usually wore to a shiny surface after awhile anyway. They will actually be a better ring too because they would be solid and not just a hollow shell. The surface will have a nice "flat black" appearance much like EMG's. I'll get pictures of mine on here when it is done.
Just a thought,
By the way, if this wrong of me to do here, or I put this in the wrong forum, I appologize ahead of time.
[ April 25, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: budman68 ]
Just a thought,
By the way, if this wrong of me to do here, or I put this in the wrong forum, I appologize ahead of time.
[ April 25, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: budman68 ]