New here, i found this forum a few weeks ago, and well, it has changed my life, at least re-ignited my passion for guitar, it's a long story (after writing this whole thing i proofread and realized i was gonna skip the story....), but i stopped playing about 10 years ago, i don't know why, other than maybe i hadn't gotten to the level of playing i thought i should have been after playing for 12 years, stupid. I loved guitar, and it was my life...really!!
2 years ago, on my birthday, my well meaning mother bought me (You can laugh), a WAL-Mart fender starcaster package, guitar amp and sack, she said it was an 20 year anniversary thing. It was really more special than she probably knows. However feeling i had discraced myself to the six string gods, i never touched it till this last year, and just started noodling sometimes for hours, never even tried the little amp it came with, just twanging unplugged, and honestly it seemed i was refreshed, in a very short time i had a little bit of shred back in my fingers, i was a bit suprised i actually think my picking is better than it was before, after not touching a guitar in 10 years. I guess it's like riding a bike,...
but anyway, ...thanks to all of you, i now have GAS, and honestly i did'nt know what the hell that meant till two nights ago, i just thought you all had farty bottoms, but i've now figured it out.
After seeing all of the sweet ass pics of everyones cherry 1980's 90's RR models, i actually couldn't believe some of you guys actually have piles of them,
there is a grave unbalance in the universe if you ask me.
Since 1985 i've wanted this guitar, (yes it all started with me because of Randy too :O) i could never really afford one of the import models let alone the USA models, but alas after a few weeks of seeing this forum, i now have a 1991 RR proffesional in my hands and it's damn near mint!!, so i don't want to play it
I like to stare at it tho, lol, actully i don't like the neck, go figure, this thing is flat as a 2x4, i had been playing pawn shop home modded guitars all my life and i think i'm just used to a more traditional strat style neck sanded down to fit my hand just right, ...case in point, i actually really like the feel of this starcaster from wal mart, (laugh your ass off here) anyway, this is way to much information, i think i just needed to unload, sorry.
Anyway my next guitar to be will be a Kelly, which i've acquired an old, sweet full bound, mint, full mother of pearl, sharkies, and jackson logo, neck to attach to it, sure it's prolly MIJ but it's a rare one and really beautiful. Since i'm not paying 2.5g for any custom shop guitar in my lifetime, i will suffice with a home built custom
That being said, i am in the market for an Alder Kelly body in good condition.
And finally, since before i could never afford the guitar of my dreams, i decided back in 92 to build my own, it was almost to the point of ready for paint when i abandoned it, and besides the Carvin neck i chose for it, it is completely hand carved using rasp and files and A LOT of sanding full bevel BC Rich/Jackson style, neck thru, that looks now like a cross between a stealth/warrior, it's an amature effort for sure, influenced by Akira Takasaki's killer model, and an ibanez axestar i believe, anyway everyone who saw it back in the day wanted one, it will be finished before i die if i can help it, and i hope to share some pics with you guys of it in time.
Thanks for having this forum, i am a reader more than a poster, but i made up for it with this one post right, i'm so glad the passion for guitar is alive and well, and in the hearts of the younger generation as well, and that now there is the possiblilty to share it via forums with so many people so far away, just awesome.
if you read this whole thing, you must be bored, go play your guitar.
__________________________________________________ __
he begins to feel depressed now. he knows the end is near. he
realized at last that imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals exist only in the imagination of the imaginer...and... ultimately...., who gives a f*#k anyway... so he goes back to his ugly little room and quietly dreams his last imaginary guitar solo...FZ
New here, i found this forum a few weeks ago, and well, it has changed my life, at least re-ignited my passion for guitar, it's a long story (after writing this whole thing i proofread and realized i was gonna skip the story....), but i stopped playing about 10 years ago, i don't know why, other than maybe i hadn't gotten to the level of playing i thought i should have been after playing for 12 years, stupid. I loved guitar, and it was my life...really!!
2 years ago, on my birthday, my well meaning mother bought me (You can laugh), a WAL-Mart fender starcaster package, guitar amp and sack, she said it was an 20 year anniversary thing. It was really more special than she probably knows. However feeling i had discraced myself to the six string gods, i never touched it till this last year, and just started noodling sometimes for hours, never even tried the little amp it came with, just twanging unplugged, and honestly it seemed i was refreshed, in a very short time i had a little bit of shred back in my fingers, i was a bit suprised i actually think my picking is better than it was before, after not touching a guitar in 10 years. I guess it's like riding a bike,...
but anyway, ...thanks to all of you, i now have GAS, and honestly i did'nt know what the hell that meant till two nights ago, i just thought you all had farty bottoms, but i've now figured it out.
After seeing all of the sweet ass pics of everyones cherry 1980's 90's RR models, i actually couldn't believe some of you guys actually have piles of them,
there is a grave unbalance in the universe if you ask me.
Since 1985 i've wanted this guitar, (yes it all started with me because of Randy too :O) i could never really afford one of the import models let alone the USA models, but alas after a few weeks of seeing this forum, i now have a 1991 RR proffesional in my hands and it's damn near mint!!, so i don't want to play it

Anyway my next guitar to be will be a Kelly, which i've acquired an old, sweet full bound, mint, full mother of pearl, sharkies, and jackson logo, neck to attach to it, sure it's prolly MIJ but it's a rare one and really beautiful. Since i'm not paying 2.5g for any custom shop guitar in my lifetime, i will suffice with a home built custom

That being said, i am in the market for an Alder Kelly body in good condition.
And finally, since before i could never afford the guitar of my dreams, i decided back in 92 to build my own, it was almost to the point of ready for paint when i abandoned it, and besides the Carvin neck i chose for it, it is completely hand carved using rasp and files and A LOT of sanding full bevel BC Rich/Jackson style, neck thru, that looks now like a cross between a stealth/warrior, it's an amature effort for sure, influenced by Akira Takasaki's killer model, and an ibanez axestar i believe, anyway everyone who saw it back in the day wanted one, it will be finished before i die if i can help it, and i hope to share some pics with you guys of it in time.
Thanks for having this forum, i am a reader more than a poster, but i made up for it with this one post right, i'm so glad the passion for guitar is alive and well, and in the hearts of the younger generation as well, and that now there is the possiblilty to share it via forums with so many people so far away, just awesome.

if you read this whole thing, you must be bored, go play your guitar.
__________________________________________________ __
he begins to feel depressed now. he knows the end is near. he
realized at last that imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals exist only in the imagination of the imaginer...and... ultimately...., who gives a f*#k anyway... so he goes back to his ugly little room and quietly dreams his last imaginary guitar solo...FZ