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HELP!!! Rhoads LTD Questions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sully View Post
    personally, i sell crack to school children.
    that's cool. i'd like to get involved into that buisness


    • #17
      the nice thing is that there's zero paperwork; all you need is a supplier and a school yard. and hell, it's not like 4th graders know good rock; those dumbasses will smoke ivory soap! fish in a barrel, my friend!

      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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      • #18
        Originally posted by sully View Post
        the nice thing is that there's zero paperwork; all you need is a supplier and a school yard. and hell, it's not like 4th graders know good rock; those dumbasses will smoke ivory soap! fish in a barrel, my friend!

        should i start my own little company and expand, or get a job with the one known as the blazer?


        • #19
          well, that's a question every man must answer for himself, my friend. look inside, the truth is there.

          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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          • #20
            Originally posted by sully View Post
            well, that's a question every man must answer for himself, my friend. look inside, the truth is there.

            thanks for the help sully, i get right on my new job


            • #21
              happy to help! man, i should be a motivational speaker.

              Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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              • #22
                Originally posted by sully View Post
                happy to help! man, i should be a motivational speaker.

                you know, you should.


                • #23
                  The price of an LTD is also somewhat dependant on whether it has the vintage trem or the Jackson branded Floyd Rose for a trem. They made much more Floyds than V-trems and so if thats not a big factor for you, you can expect to pay less for the Floyd version. $3000-3500 seems to be the range most of those go for in nice condition. As for the PCS, I honestly prefer it as a to the LTD's. My PCS Rhoads is one of my best playing Roads'! They made about the same number of them as LTD's as far as I know but for some reason they sell for less than the LTD's, in the low to mid $2K range I'd say. I wish you luck in finding a PCS or LTD at a reasonable price, I know you've mentioned wanting one before. They're both very nice!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                    They made about the same number of them as LTD's as far as I know but for some reason they sell for less than the LTD's
                    i've heard you can't order a short wing body shape from the custom shop. can you spec a PCS replica?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SeventhSon View Post
                      i've heard you can't order a short wing body shape from the custom shop. can you spec a PCS replica?
                      i've seen a thread somewhere on it saying you can only get a rhoads bady the shape of an rr1. the rr1 and pcs have slightly different body styles. i'm pretty sure the pcs is wider and shorter in length. am i right? i'd love to get the custom shop to recreate the pcs rhoads.


                      • #26
                        pretty sure that mcd has stated that the LTD body or "vintage rhoads" as they call it, is back as an option.

                        i don't think that the pcs body is different from a current rr body, but i don't have one to compare. you're not going to get the pcs redone through the custom shop, but you CAN get a black RR1T, swap the hardware, and get the pcs style bridge from our very own budman. granted, you don't get the PCS logo, but imo, that logo isn't as good as the ltd/gold script logo, and you'll get full sized sharks. that said, you'll probably get the screened, white jackson logo, which imo, is WAY better than the MOP overlays.

                        Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                        • #27
                          i'm pretty sure the pcs body and rr1 body differ. you can see the conversions people made on this board from a rr1 to having gold hardeware. the control plate touches the pickup rings on the prs but not rr1. plus the pu are spaced out more on the rr1


                          • #28
                            Here is my pair of black RR's. PCS and RR1T.
                            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                            • #29
                              well, i can't tell if the body is smaller. but you can see the hardware is positioned differently for sure


                              • #30
                                Here ya go...

                                $4,500.00 and it's all yours.

