Originally posted by jtr
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Jackson not progressing any? Why?
Originally posted by KBRR View Post+1 for that!!! Well said
When I bought my first Jackson (an RX10D, nothing to get excited about)..it was so perfect for me, and so "me", I sold everything I had (Fender USA, Ibanez, BC Rich) just to buy more Jacksons!
I think Jackson is listening. We got some upgrades on the imports, real Duncans, maple necks, the RR24 etc. But everything can't happen overnight. I do think the price hikes are wrong, so, I guess I'm relegated to the import line for a LONG time..or used.
A lot of people who bash them to me also have NEVER owned or played one. So, I consider the source and move on.
The bottom line is, I'm happy as long as there are Jacksons for me to play.
I work for a manufacturer, and let me tell you about this thing called "harvest mode". It's where you pull way way back on spending on any new development on a product, and instead squeeze it for as much revenue as you can get out of it as-is. Maybe you'll do a small improvement here or there, but nothing major. I hope FMIC isn't putting Jackson into "harvest mode"._________________________________________________
"Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
- Ken M
IF you want the popular opinion on Jackson and my views on the topic...
Ive noticed a couple of things about Jackson Guitars latley. One is the lack of artists on their website, the only high profile guitarist with Jackson...
I think you can guess who I am. I feel the company is trying to move forward this year. A fair number of new models, some new endorsers, and a budget minded Charvel line coming out... I think Fender is a bit of afraid of over doing it like say Kramer did in the 80s or to some degree Jackson in the early 90s.
If you want Jackson to be more trendy your missing the point. Anyone who prefers Ibanez or ESP I just chalk up to either being beginners, or playing them for fucking years. I love the way they dont pay anybody, and whoever plays them plays them for the same reason I do, pick one up and you'll find out too. As Sully says, they only needed one endorsee 26 years ago and they still are the best out there in my opinion!
Sully said it best. Who cares if the most "popular" artists aren't endorsing Jacksons. Where I play in Florida, there's a lot of local talent that uses nice Jacksons. Great players who just aren't in the spot light. Since when was a guitar brand cool just because the latest flash in the pan played the models? Those in the know, know. Night after night your Jackson won't fail you, it keeps on giving and it actually inspires you to new levels. I don't play my Jacksons because (insert name of latest celeb here) does, I play 'em because they deliver the goods..."Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
Gotta get away from here.
Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
Waitin' for the sun to appear..."
Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View PostWhy aren't Jackson going after guys like Karl Sanders, Dallas Toller-Wade, Trey Azagthoth, Peter from Vader, Ralph Santolla and the modern bands (who I think are shit but others don't) like Dimmu Borgir, Trivium, Bullet For My Valentine etc?I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.
The only thing that makes me mad about it is that Jacksons are almost impossible to find because hardly anyone cares about them anymore. I've only seen a handful of USA Jacksons in my life, and almost all were at shows. I've seen only 2 in stores ever, and neither time were they even in my state, I had to go to Arizona. The GC near me has about 5 imports and I don't even know of anywhere else close that carries any Jacksons.
Originally posted by thebigz View PostThe only thing that makes me mad about it is that Jacksons are almost impossible to find because hardly anyone cares about them anymore. I've only seen a handful of USA Jacksons in my life, and almost all were at shows. I've seen only 2 in stores ever, and neither time were they even in my state, I had to go to Arizona. The GC near me has about 5 imports and I don't even know of anywhere else close that carries any Jacksons.http://www.myspace.com/bothendsofthepath
Anyone have a je-1000 or je-1200 availible?
ever thought that maybe Jackson isn't exactly for the bedroom players and trend hopper?"There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert
Actually Jackson's import line makes up a pretty sizeable part of their overall business. True, you're not going to find any neckthrough imports that directly compete with the same USA models like you could in 1990-94 but that almost destroyed Jackson at the time.
If you want Jackson guitars to be more affordable, then you need to make more money.
Ibenhad, ESPee, Schecter, and all those other Made In Korea companies are using cheap labor. So what if they have models with real abalone binding and real ebony boards and real mother of pearl all over them? Is it a better guitar overall or is it just prettier?
If it's a better guitar overall, maybe you should go with them instead.
As was stated earlier, Jackson doesn't pay anyone the way Ibenhad/ESPee/Schechter do. How many different sig models does each of those companies have, and what are the main differences? A knob, a switch, or some other cosmetic change? Those companies give away assembly-line guitars to their "artists" like candy at Halloween, and they line up like sheep to sign away their image.
Jackson hired Jenna to satisy the people who wanted Jackson to court whores. Who better than the Queen of Whores to give an endorsement to? I have zero respect for anyone who goes with a company simply because they get free guitars. If it's worth having, it's worth buying. How much do you spend a year on cable TV? Probably enough to buy a guitar. Ditch the cable TV service and buy a Jackson.
Unfortunately, Jackson is being pidgeonholed by FMIC as a Metal-only brand, and will not push or explore anything that competes directly with Fender's other brands. The SweeTone series was competing with the Guild and Gretsch and some Fender models, so they were dropped. I don't think they were heavily marketed to begin with.I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
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I think the "I don't care who plays Jacksons" idea is irrelevant. Because it's not "does your Jackson make you happy" we're discussing about, we're discussing whether Jackson is down or not, if so why?
So it's greatly important who plays Jacksons imo, if you want the company to do well then you should think that way also, that's my point of view..
Think about it, why can ESP have too many models and still come up with many more? Because they are already selling a looot and they won't lose much if some new model doesn't make it to the topIf Jackson does better you'll have more models, options and more guitars, that means more guitar porn in JCF
What I don't get is, whatever strategy they are following it doesn't help Jackson, why can't Fender see it? If I were a Fender manager I'd do the absolute opposite with Jackson next year, I'm sure that would help much more!
True,but Jackson should treat they're endorsees better.http://www.myspace.com/bothendsofthepath
Anyone have a je-1000 or je-1200 availible?