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Jackson not progressing any? Why?

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  • He means guitar players and bands that jump ship from a brand that they really like... to play another brand because of money that was waved in their face. "I think"

    About a year ago I stumbled onto a site on the internet like I always do and there was some guitarist who was endorsed by ESP, Ibanez or brand X. Anyway the guy plays like TWO songs on the endorsed guitar then plays the rest of the show on a "beat-up" charvel.
    Last edited by phill_up; 05-11-2008, 08:15 PM.


    • Well, having a whore is not always a bad thing.

      Look at what Jordan did for Nike. Did Nike need Jordan to sell shoes, not sure. I did Jordan bring Nike to the top, yes.

      Enough so, they signed Tiger Wood to a $10,000,000 contract before he even took his first swing as a pro. They said the CEO was nuts. Tiger won is first tourny he played in as a pro. He is the greatest golfer to date. How did they afford him? Jorwhorden.

      Both are still with Nike. Nike understands marketing, or the value of whores. Tiger is everywhere and most often, NIKE is on his shirt. If you don't create the marrage early, at best your going to get an old worn out whore. If RR was still alive, what would he be playing?

      Ping Golf Clubs for years did not endorse players. They have the best irons (Ping EYE 2)out there in the mid 80's. Players would win a major, the next month they were playing another brand. Taylor Made, Callaway, etc.. paid them.

      Ping now endorses golf players.
      They swallowed their pride because on every Sunday the top of leader board players, that get the national exposure, Ping was not on a bag. A Ping Anser Putter in the bag at best.

      I'd hate to see Jackson go the way of the Camaro. The way things are going economic wise, only the whores will survive.
      ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


      • Hmm..After reading through a bit of the more recent posts, and how other companies *cough esp* whore themselves out to their artist. It's kind of hard not to do, I think I'd have a heart attack if Jackson offered me an endorsement, but if I was in a band traveling a lot, barely scraping by and I needed another guitar, I obviously wouldn't be able to drop the money for a $2000+ guitar just because I love the name and company. I'm a pretty hateful person towards ESP, I'm a Jackson Fan boy through and throughout, did I mention I hate ESP?:P But still, you're on the road, traveling, not making money, can't afford more guitars.. Who are you going to go with? The people that are willing to give you free guitars to your specifications, or the company that won't?

        Jackson should at least offer a few complimentary guitars to their endorses.. Or what's the point of endorsing? People can obviously see what guitar you are playing on stage, why would you bend over backwards for nothing in return?

        I'm probably going to get shot for this, but touching up on "Randy Rhoads paid for his guitars and until somebody better than him comes along it's the way we intend to run the business."

        Many..Many people have came along that were better than Rhoads...
        Originally posted by horns666
        The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


        • (Paco De Lucia is a crazy man)


          • Hey, anyone know what Vito Bratta played before White Lion hit it big? Was he always a Steinberger guy, or did he switch for the money?
            The Steinberger was a very unique looking guitar and I thought helped define a unique image for the band.


            • He had some Kramers for a few years before the steinbergers


              • Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                Most people in this world, if they were in a band, had one hit single or whatever, and were offered a pile of cash plus some really sweet custom guitars, just to be an endorsee, well - come on. Some people would KILL just to be known as an endorsee of ANY guitar company. That's the age we live in.
                That fine, but it has nothing to do with me as a consumer. Here's the marketing message: "ESP makes guitars that Joe Rockstar loves to play, so long as he gets them for free!!!"

                Now, doesn't that just make you want to go out and spend $1,000 for some firewood-quality LTD?


                • Originally posted by Newc View Post
                  Ah, the old "supporting the family" line. How quaint. Doesn't hold water with me, but whatever floats your boat. If you can't maintain your integrity - especially someone in the public eye, and someone who bounces from brand to brand shopping for the best deal - then I call whoring on you.
                  Most of us are whores to something or someone. Somehow, I don't see integrity as being all too important when it comes to the tools of a trade. If the tools work and you get a financial leg up in the process, you'd take the money. Amateur enthusiasts with money to burn can afford to have integrity. Artists can't afford to miss any opportunity for exposure or cost savings.

                  Originally posted by ABSOLUT CHARVEL View Post
                  I'd hate to see Jackson go the way of the Camaro. The way things are going economic wise, only the whores will survive.
                  The Camaro is coming back better than it was, just as Jackson can with the right management.


                  • Originally posted by VitaminG View Post

                    I don't get the repeated references I see to Jenna as an "endorsee".
                    That's how she was billed by Jackson. They even had a "quote" from her about how she's always loved the sound of a Jackson guitar. Typical "compensated endorsement" line just like you see Wilford Brimley doing on TV for Liberty Medical.
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • Originally posted by åron View Post
                      The Camaro is coming back better than it was, just as Jackson can with the right management.
                      Yep the camaro's coming back australian, so if jackson wants to come back just as good, hire me as management, I'll sought out those fender stick-in-the-muds


                      • Originally posted by Newc View Post
                        That's how she was billed by Jackson. They even had a "quote" from her about how she's always loved the sound of a Jackson guitar. Typical "compensated endorsement" line just like you see Wilford Brimley doing on TV for Liberty Medical.

                        For all we know she might be a hell of a shredder!!!

                        yeah doubt it too


                        • Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                          Hmm..After reading through a bit of the more recent posts, and how other companies *cough esp* whore themselves out to their artist. It's kind of hard not to do, I think I'd have a heart attack if Jackson offered me an endorsement, but if I was in a band traveling a lot, barely scraping by and I needed another guitar, I obviously wouldn't be able to drop the money for a $2000+ guitar just because I love the name and company. I'm a pretty hateful person towards ESP, I'm a Jackson Fan boy through and throughout, did I mention I hate ESP?:P But still, you're on the road, traveling, not making money, can't afford more guitars.. Who are you going to go with? The people that are willing to give you free guitars to your specifications, or the company that won't?

                          Jackson should at least offer a few complimentary guitars to their endorses.. Or what's the point of endorsing? People can obviously see what guitar you are playing on stage, why would you bend over backwards for nothing in return?

                          I'm probably going to get shot for this, but touching up on "Randy Rhoads paid for his guitars and until somebody better than him comes along it's the way we intend to run the business."

                          Many..Many people have came along that were better than Rhoads...
                          Yes, excellent post on every count!



                          • Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                            Which opens another can of worms.
                            Do people like Adrian only still play Jacksons because they don't need the money? Would he be playing ESP too if Maiden hadn't been so successful? Probably.
                            Originally posted by Newc View Post
                            As I recall, Adrian and Dave both endorse Fender at the moment. Adrian has used Lado, Gibson, and a host of others over the years.
                            Dave Murray was actually endorsed by ESP at the time of 7th Son. He was featured in magazine ads and live videos playing custom ESP Strats.

                            Scott Ian and Frank Bello of Anthrax were also endorsed by ESP in the '80s, then Scott went to Jackson and Frank to Fender.
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • Jackson should give an endorsement deal to Chris Broderick


                              • Jonathon: And tomorrow when I'm gone, will they whore my image on?

                                CC: They will if they're Jackson or Dean.

