The Jackson Stars RR-J2SP. Quite a lovely guitar, that has been out of production from the Jackson Stars line. I am quite lucky at the moment to have on hold (once again) from the Ishibashi web shop. They've been very kind and have been talking back and forth and trying to earn the money for this lovely guitar. I'm finally almost at my goal which the total cost, shipping and all would be about $1668.00 USD. Here is a picture of the guitar for those interested in just the fine looks of this guitar...

(more pictures here: I also own this guitar a very fine Jackson Limited Ed. RR24 with some hardware swaps...

...I only present that because people have both been trying to talk me out and talk me into getting this guitar... the Jackson Stars^^. I love Jackson guitars and RR's and could never get sick of them, but it is something I don't really need, but I'm sure everyone can say that about every guitar they get and is presented on this board. We all just REALLY want them! I'm only seriously concerned with this guitar because of the lovely color and design, and it is completely out of production. So I may never get my chance again at this price. This would also be the most high priced guitar I've ever bought. As for specs of the guitar for those who really want to get a better idea. The floyd rose is schaller licensed, but I know another poster from another forum (I think he might even post here?) who has this exact guitar and he sais the difference in use and playability in the schaller and OFR are par none, as he has both and could give me a good description. The pickup I believe is a EMG-HZ and it comes with a little toggle switch that is the EMG-PA2 booster. I haven't heard much info about those, so I'm pretty clueless, but I can always replace pickups, but replacing a Floyd Rose I'm really not looking into as they can be quite expensive, but from what I've heard the Schaller is just as good and no worries! So... what are your opinions fellow Jackson lovers? Should I go for this deal?
- Andrew

(more pictures here: I also own this guitar a very fine Jackson Limited Ed. RR24 with some hardware swaps...

...I only present that because people have both been trying to talk me out and talk me into getting this guitar... the Jackson Stars^^. I love Jackson guitars and RR's and could never get sick of them, but it is something I don't really need, but I'm sure everyone can say that about every guitar they get and is presented on this board. We all just REALLY want them! I'm only seriously concerned with this guitar because of the lovely color and design, and it is completely out of production. So I may never get my chance again at this price. This would also be the most high priced guitar I've ever bought. As for specs of the guitar for those who really want to get a better idea. The floyd rose is schaller licensed, but I know another poster from another forum (I think he might even post here?) who has this exact guitar and he sais the difference in use and playability in the schaller and OFR are par none, as he has both and could give me a good description. The pickup I believe is a EMG-HZ and it comes with a little toggle switch that is the EMG-PA2 booster. I haven't heard much info about those, so I'm pretty clueless, but I can always replace pickups, but replacing a Floyd Rose I'm really not looking into as they can be quite expensive, but from what I've heard the Schaller is just as good and no worries! So... what are your opinions fellow Jackson lovers? Should I go for this deal?
- Andrew