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the first time I played a san dimas jackson

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  • the first time I played a san dimas jackson

    Hello guys,

    This is proaxe that actually started the spaz name. Do any one of you guys remember back in the day like 85-86 when the first bolt on jacksons came out and the charvels came to and end? Man!! They were great! I was playing gibsons and fenders at the time plus a beginner as a player. Once I laid my beginner hands on that jackson I never had gone back. Unfortunitly these first bolt on didn't last and I missed out on 6 of them due to no $$$. I thought I would share this all of you that may remember back then. Im very glad that I was around back then to be apart of a beginning of the great history of the jackson guitar and even the charvel. That company was one of the best things that could have happen to the guitar industry. I also feel that fender as of now has done a great job bring these jems back to us so we can continue to get together to brag about these awesome instruments. It s even great to see new strathead charvels made like they were back in the day.... What a wonderful thing!!!! My hat is off to fender!!!!!!!!



  • #2
    to me there is NOTHING like a old original san dimas strat or star
    the newer ones i have not tried but hear are really great
    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


    • #3
      Hey man, I remember. I still have the first SD jackson that I ever played ('84 RR student). Picked up a few SD charvels in the mean time as well . Some of the new stuff actually really measures up IMHO, just play before you buy. New pointy neck profile is dead on to the thinner profile available back then for my money. The new s-heads are kind of all over the place, depending on year, model etc. It seems the '07-08stuff is settling/dialed in at what was being done in the '85-86 time frame for charvels. Not bad for me as I have a few from then, but not for every one as these tend to be thinner (but not Ibenhad thin).

      Just an opinion based on personal experience.
      "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


      • #4
        Yea, thats what I mean. these axes where so good back then that nothing plays like the san dimas stuff. For years I believe they have been kinda lost and the san dimas vibe just wasn't there BUT now fender has been brang these jems back to us as we wanted even S-Heads. I remember back in 2000 you could not even get one unless it was a parts guitar or highly molested. Today they are real close or exact what they were back in the day. These jackson and charvels are REAL JEMS indeed. thanks for your input .



        • #5
          I have not owned any vintage Charvels to compare current stuff but I do have a few San Dimas Jacksons. Namely 3 Rhoads', one string thru, one original Floyd equipped and one Kahler equipped. I don't buy into the argument that they were better than later models. Just trying to be objective here based on playing a bunch of Jacksons and not just buying into the old wives tale about the San Dimas stuff having the mojo. I love them all but the San Dimas stuff was not head and shoulders above the rest as legend would have us believe.


          • #6
            I have to say I really have not found the "bad" ones yet. I have RR's from 83,84,85,86,91 & 02 & have played some 07's & 08's & they all kick ass actually


            • #7
              All good!!!! Back in the day and now they all play really great! From back in the day til now just as fender makes them now they all play unlike any other guitar. Thats what is cool about them... From the san dimas times and now fender has kept the original feeling of these fine instruments the same. Since fender has employed some of the original employees they seem to be as good as the originals the most part. Again, nothing plays like a san dimas jackson/charvel but now I think we a have a company that has been bringing back the feel that has been long gone for so long. Pretty cool!! Not here to brag about fender just amazed on how well they have donewith the name of charvel/jackson name! I remember when fender bought out jackson/charvel all members were worried about what would happen and seems to be a good thing. Remember, This charvel/ jsckson company was actually lost due to owner ship or making stuff cheaper or MASS PRODUCTION. Now its about the quality not quanity. Jackson/charvel is back!!!



