Hi Everyone -
Effective today I will not be accepting any new Jackson or Charvel orders and will no longer be carrying the Jackson/Charvel brands at my shop.
If you have a Jackson or Charvel custom shop order in place with me, you have no reason for concern. Your guitar will be built and delivered without any problems.
However, if you ordered a Charvel Production Series from me, I will not be able to deliver your guitar and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the inconvenience. I have already contacted each of you directly, explaining the situation and I have refunded any deposits you put on these guitars. I have made special arrangements with another very reputable dealer who's a friend of mine to fill your orders and have emailed his contact info to you. He already has your names, so all you have to do is contact him and give him your payment info.
I will be replacing J/C with some higher end brands, I've been speaking with Robin and Grosh as well as Anderson. I'll also be concentrating my efforts on Gibson Custom Shop, ESP Custom Shop, G&L, PRS, Ibanez and Suhr, all of which I already do huge business with.
This is a very unfortunate situation that I feel horrible about, especially since I've worked hard to become a "go to guy" for Jackson and Charvel for over 20 years, not to mention I've been playing J/C guitars personally for a very long time. But, relationships change over time and all I can say is at this time, Fender and myself are at odds with eachother. It's my hope that this will change in the future.
I have been invited to stay on as the main sponsor of the JCF and am very happy to do so, you guys are great customers and even better friends. I thank the powers that be at the JCF for this opportunity.
I'm always happy to go out of my way and help you in any way I can and I look forward to continuing to serve you all for many years to come.
Thanks for reading,
Matt's Music Center
35 Pleasant St
Weymouth MA 02190 USA
[email protected]
Effective today I will not be accepting any new Jackson or Charvel orders and will no longer be carrying the Jackson/Charvel brands at my shop.
If you have a Jackson or Charvel custom shop order in place with me, you have no reason for concern. Your guitar will be built and delivered without any problems.
However, if you ordered a Charvel Production Series from me, I will not be able to deliver your guitar and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the inconvenience. I have already contacted each of you directly, explaining the situation and I have refunded any deposits you put on these guitars. I have made special arrangements with another very reputable dealer who's a friend of mine to fill your orders and have emailed his contact info to you. He already has your names, so all you have to do is contact him and give him your payment info.
I will be replacing J/C with some higher end brands, I've been speaking with Robin and Grosh as well as Anderson. I'll also be concentrating my efforts on Gibson Custom Shop, ESP Custom Shop, G&L, PRS, Ibanez and Suhr, all of which I already do huge business with.
This is a very unfortunate situation that I feel horrible about, especially since I've worked hard to become a "go to guy" for Jackson and Charvel for over 20 years, not to mention I've been playing J/C guitars personally for a very long time. But, relationships change over time and all I can say is at this time, Fender and myself are at odds with eachother. It's my hope that this will change in the future.
I have been invited to stay on as the main sponsor of the JCF and am very happy to do so, you guys are great customers and even better friends. I thank the powers that be at the JCF for this opportunity.
I'm always happy to go out of my way and help you in any way I can and I look forward to continuing to serve you all for many years to come.
Thanks for reading,

Matt's Music Center
35 Pleasant St
Weymouth MA 02190 USA
[email protected]