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Forum Activity = Sales/Popularity?

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  • Forum Activity = Sales/Popularity?

    I have many different guitars of all makes. I just noticed how the Jackson Guitar forums (this one in particular) is very slow these days. In comparison, the Dean forum is VERY active. Of course Gibson and Fender forums are very busy.

    My question is this, knowing that Dean for example out sells Jackson/Charvel these days, are we witnessing a dying breed? No marketing, no affordable set/neck thru guitars etc will eventually kill this line?

    Sad but I think Fender knows the answer.

  • #2
    I see a lot of people on other boards buying Jackson.

    Also, the line is dying, which is why the new Production models are selling like hot cakes right?


    • #3
      Personally, I stay far away from guitars like what Dean is producing today. Thats a company that gives me the impression they are interested in moving the highest number of boxes even if it means quality will suffer.

      Jackson may be a small company compared to many other brands & could get smaller in a tough economy, but as long as quality guitars come out of the factory I think there will be people buying them. The new 2008 USA Jacksons I've played have been kick ass instruments.


      • #4
        Fuck, it seems like all people want to do is rip on Dean these days, I see it here and alot of places. There are a few dealers that have RETARDED prices on ebay and in thier stores, Carlino Guitars being one of those guys. HOWEVER there are still dealers that have good prices and sell out of thier stock of US made Deans, I'm talking USA made Deans, I don't praticularly like ANY brands import crap, I don't like Jacksons, Dean, Ibanez, or any of the other companies, I personally think the quality of ALL companies has gone down.

        Having said that, I think most US products are still top notch, sure some guitars will have issues, but now adays it seems everyone wants something for nothing but that doesn't work.



        • #5
          Originally posted by satch0922 View Post
          I have many different guitars of all makes. I just noticed how the Jackson Guitar forums (this one in particular) is very slow these days. In comparison, the Dean forum is VERY active. Of course Gibson and Fender forums are very busy.

          My question is this, knowing that Dean for example out sells Jackson/Charvel these days, are we witnessing a dying breed? No marketing, no affordable set/neck thru guitars etc will eventually kill this line?

          Sad but I think Fender knows the answer.
          Ummm, maybe the people that are buying the most Jacksons are actually in working bands and don't have time to waste on an internet board.

          Which means those other companies are selling tons of guitars to people that will never set foot on a stage with them.

          When the kids are ready to grow up and go live, Jackson will be there to provide a quality instrument for them.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #6
            This forum is slower compared to many fo the others and unlike the dean forum if a dealer fucked somone over these guys wouldnt bury the threads and ban people making genuine complaints because thats what the dean forum mod's did when someone called out carlino over shody business practises...

            This forum is place for finding info about Jackson charvel their artists past and present among practically any other brand and artist too boot, and it's where bill stays...

            And it's possibly one of the best sources for floyd related info post a question and it will liekly be answered, and you wont just get flamed like some places i've seen plenty of genuine questions posted over on hc and people just flame away for no reason, here if a question is poorly written or against the rules people will politely post a warning...or they will simply reply...


            • #7
              the trouble is dean will do anything to make money including sullying a great dead players name by turning it into a marketing machine and producing models and upgrades whose only association with that model is the fact they've just plastered his name on the headstock. any 12 year old kid who wants to be cool will by it because it has his name on it.

              Jackson doesn't market towards 12 year old fanboys generally and as you would imagine there are a lot more 12 year old fan boys who can't strum anything more than a few chords and a few one fingered riffs and will probably give up with in a couple of years once they're bored and over that phase than there are more mature talented longstanding semi pros who will buy a guitar for its qualities than the name stuck on it
              Last edited by sonicsamurai; 07-24-2008, 07:15 AM.


              • #8
                WRT this board being slow lately- It's Summer (in the Northern hemisphere) and this board and many others slow down every year at this time. Maybe it slows down more than the Dean or ESP boards because the avg. age of the members there is lower. School-age kids on break have more free time to spend online.


                • #9
                  Having been on some of the other boards, there is a level of "civility & order" here that you really don't find on any of the other boards. I, for one, like it. It keeps the douchery down, which is probably about 40% of the posts on other boards.

                  And Fett doesn't post anymore, so about 1/2 the volume here has disappeared...


                  • #10
                    I don't know about posts = popularity , but something I've been wondering about is ; at my local gc there's probalbly 30 fenders ,but only 3 maybe 4 jacksons ( I think the public is still buying J\C's )so is fender not trying to make the J\C brand grow ??
                    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                    • #11
                      There seems to have been a lot of people who left after the membership thing. I don't see RacerX among others posts anymore. I may be incorrect but it seems like it was shortly after that, that things started slowing down a bit.

                      That and I think a lot of the bitching about Jacksons C/S prices has died down which was a decent chunk of posts too

                      it goes in waves regardless. Once people start getting the new models there'll be more activity. Especially in the Charvel sections now that the new Charvels are coming out. And wait until the Death Angel is released, that'll cause a stir.

                      I could very well be wrong on all fronts
                      In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jayster View Post
                        I don't know about posts = popularity , but something I've been wondering about is ; at my local gc there's probalbly 30 fenders ,but only 3 maybe 4 jacksons ( I think the public is still buying J\C's )so is fender not trying to make the J\C brand grow ??
                        That depends on how FMIC marketing works. If they're pooling all the brand's marketing dollars and doling them out, the the old brands like Fender and Gretsch are going to get the lion's share, while the others get the scraps.

                        If, on the other hand, each brand budgets its own dollars for marketing, then you'll probably still see a small amount of those dollars going for marketing compared to production. You can advertise total crap only for so long, then you won't sell any of it. Better to put the money into quality product than hype.

                        Add to that the fact that many dealers still perceive Jackson as "those pointy geetars".

                        As well, with Jackson being marketed towards Metal, if there's not a big Metal scene in your area, you're not going to see many Jacksons. If everyone's playing more pop-stype stuff, you're going to see Ibenhad, Fender, and Gibson.
                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Newc View Post
                          Add to that the fact that many dealers still perceive Jackson as "those pointy geetars".
                          That's because other than the PC-1 they are those pointy geetars
                          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • #14
                            That's entirely beside the point! Don't clutter up my logic with facts!
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #15
                              My question is this, knowing that Dean for example out sells Jackson/Charvel these days, are we witnessing a dying breed? No marketing.......[quote]

                              Jackson has been using that new Rhoads full page ad. It was in a recent GW issue at the very least.

                              I can't imagine anything Dean makes feeling as good as my new KV2, but then again the Dean stuff I've played at GC was probably not top of the line either. I do like the look of that new Matt Heafy rising sun model though.
                              Jackson KV2
                              Jackson KE1T
                              Jackson KE1F
                              Jackson SL1

