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Soloist & Dinky bodies

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  • #16
    You may be on to something. here is a link to a 24 fret soloist and a 22 fret charvel traditional.
    Which is really a 22 fret (pro series) dinky.

    I didn't notice any of this until they were all put on the same guitar rack. This means that the 22 fret soloist is considerably smaller than its 24 fret counterpart?

    Where is Charvel750 when you need him?
    Last edited by phill_up; 09-01-2008, 09:29 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by phill_up View Post
      This means that the 22 fret soloist is considerably smaller than its 24 fret counterpart?
      Nah, the horns will have a slightly different shape.


      • #18
        On the 2 guitars I have the the measurement from the floyd route to the bottom of the guitar body is 2 different measurements though.


        • #19
          Originally posted by phill_up View Post
          One of the reasons that I have started this thread is because of the 2002 Charvel Traditional that I have. It supposedly has the Dinky Body.
          The horns are shorter than the soloist. From the recessed floyd route to the end of the body is only 2 1/4" long. On the soloist the measurement is 3 1/2" If the soloist. I have shown this pic in another thread but I am going to post it again.

          I have a Traditional body as well, and it its a good bit different from my other Dinkys as well as Soloists. For some reason, the Traditional is shaped differently.
          Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


          • #20
            Originally posted by phill_up View Post
            On the 2 guitars I have the the measurement from the floyd route to the bottom of the guitar body is 2 different measurements though.
            Often the neck will be positioned differently between 22 fret and 24 fret versions, so that may also account for the difference. This could be seen very clearly on the 22 vs 24 fret RRs for instance. I don't know if that's the case with your Soloists though?


            • #21
              Originally posted by RobRR View Post
              I have a Traditional body as well, and it its a good bit different from my other Dinkys as well as Soloists. For some reason, the Traditional is shaped differently.
              Thanks for posting Rob. I never would have noticed this either if I would not have bought the guitar rack. Are your dinkys 24 fret? is the traditional body just shaped different or is it actually smaller? If I could find a pic of a 22 & 24 fret dinky sitting on the same rack that may clear things up. I have seen pics of 22 fret boards on a 24 fret dinky body and there was just a blank space where the last 2 frets would have been. maybe the charvel traditional had a student sized body?

              Thanks sunbane, toejam, and everyone else that replied!


              • #22
                ive got an 86 soloist & dinky, the dinky is slightly smaller.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by j2379 View Post
                  ive got an 86 soloist & dinky, the dinky is slightly smaller.
                  now we are getting somewhere. Are they both the same fret count?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                    Thanks for posting Rob. I never would have noticed this either if I would not have bought the guitar rack. Are your dinkys 24 fret? is the traditional body just shaped different or is it actually smaller? If I could find a pic of a 22 & 24 fret dinky sitting on the same rack that may clear things up. I have seen pics of 22 fret boards on a 24 fret dinky body and there was just a blank space where the last 2 frets would have been. maybe the charvel traditional had a student sized body?

                    Thanks sunbane, toejam, and everyone else that replied!
                    The Traditional as you know is 22 fret. Compared to a 24 fret dinky body, its only marginally smaller, maybe 1/4" all around. Put up to a 22 fret Charvel 475 Deluxe body, its a good bit smaller, maybe 1/2" all around. But its the horn shape that really makes it seem that much different. When I bought the body and got it, I noticed something didnt look right, so I put it up to my other guitars and sure enough it was way off. Only after posting it up here did I learn that it was a Traditional series guitar.

                    Dont really know the story behind the design, but it sure is made of some quality woods! AAA quilt maple top, nice mahogany back... I cant wait to use it, though it has been sitting here for a good while.

                    And most of my Dinkys vs. my Model 6 guitars are pretty much dead on the same size.
                    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                    • #25
                      I guess we will never know. I can get the guys at fender to talk a little about the USA version guitars but nothing to do with the Japanese counterparts.


                      • #26
                        Well as far as measuring from a pice of hardware for a comparison. Those numbers can be off slightly. Take for example the Epiphone les paul Cst vs the epi les paul Proficy
                        The LPC is 22 fret and looks normal. As traditional as the les paul itself. The Proficay is 24 fret. Because of the 24 fret set neck it is actually longer then the LPC. The hardarwe is shifted forward (towards the neck) making a longer distance from the sdge of the body to the tail piece. The same could be said for a soloist. 24 fret vs a 22 fret.
                        Has anybody tested this on a sl4 vs an sl3? To see if everything lines up?
                        The best way to make sure the bodies are the same or not is to do the physical measurements of each body. (ie base side horn to base side horn, treble side cut away to treble side cut away. etc.) This is realy the only fair way to do it. Also across the body from bass to treble sides at waiste and upper and lower boughts. Its only fair and easier to get a more accurate assesment. and the truth.


                        • #27
                          the dinky is 22 fret the soloist 24, both are usa. like others have said its the difference in the horns that is the biggest difference.


                          • #28
                            ok guys here is a couple of pictures, notice the tape measure

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                            Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

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                            Last edited by phill_up; 09-02-2008, 12:29 PM.


                            • #29
                              hey I have one more question and I wont spam the board any more with this topic.

                              With the floyd route on this guitar being so close to the edge of the guitar body...will it have to be the original neck to fit it, or will most any 22 fret charvel neck work? I guess what I am asking is, will it effect the 25 1/2 scale any?


                              • #30
                                Most Jackson and Charvel 22-fret necks should fit.

