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Guitar center mistake

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  • Guitar center mistake

    I went to the guitar center and as usual the first thing i look at is the used guitars for any Jacksons JACKPOT!!!! 2 for sale and ones a "SL3" or guitar center thought it was I instantly asked to see the guitar and I knew instantly that it was not a sl3 but a mint trans green sl2h for 599.00 HOLY SH## thats a good deal. I bought it On the spot but due to nevada's law any used resale items must remain in the stores possesion within 30 days. I pick the guitar up this friday.

    I'm shocked guitar center can't tell a sl3 from an american soloist it says MADE IN THE USA right on the headstock..

    I'll post pics friday

  • #2
    That's one hell of a sweet deal. I remember when I bought my first Jackson. The guy at Daddy's Junky Music told me that it only costs 700 because they didn't know how to specify the model Rhoads it was which is the RR24 Prototype. I had to pay 1260 because the idiot found the tag for it. I was mad I couldn't get that sweet deal but glad because this has been the best guitar I've ever owned.


    • #3
      dontcha just love it when a plan comes together. that is a sweet ass deal. tell you what i'll give you an even 600 for it. that way you can make a buck!! j/k dont report me people its just a joke. i know he aint givin it up. i need to move near you so i can get a deal with some uneducated sellers!!


      • #4
        Wasnt there a batch of sl3's that had made in usa on the headstock by accident. Yeah, thats the story.............



        • #5
          Great score, looking foward o the photos.
          Just one more guitar!


          • #6
            Killer deal man, Can't wait to see pics.


            • #7
              If they sold it for $599, just imagine what they gave the guy who brought it in.


              • #8
                I got my WRMG for $140 w/case at GC because no one knew what model Warrior it was

                I cant wait to see pics of that...trans green is such a great color on just about any guitar...


                • #9
                  I wish the shops in my area were that stupid. Looking forward to pix.
                  Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                  "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by iced_earth View Post
                    If they sold it for $599, just imagine what they gave the guy who brought it in.
                    +1. Hope they at least gave him some lube.

                    Congrats, nice score.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by carbuff View Post
                      wasnt there a batch of sl3's that had made in usa on the headstock by accident. Yeah, thats the story.............



                      • #12
                        they said it was some kid who got a dean ml Dime guitar and did'nt play the Jackson anymore he thought the dean was better than the Jackson!!!
                        Hah I don't want to piss anybody off but dean is garbage especially for the prices they sell those things its like playing a sheet of plywood with a guitar neck attached, dime is one of my favorites but dean has made their money off this guy for sure!! How many dime models are they gonna come out with!!!


                        • #13
                          Dude. I hate to ruin your great day... Which GC was it? My brother lives in LV and had a Mint Trans Green SL2H stolen about 6 weeks ago. On the phone with him now. He filed a report and is calling his GC now so they can check it out for him.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aaronharmon View Post
                            Dude. I hate to ruin your great day... Which GC was it? My brother lives in LV and had a Mint Trans Green SL2H stolen about 6 weeks ago. On the phone with him now. He filed a report and is calling his GC now so they can check it out for him.
                            My warning to the OP, once you get that guitar Do Not give out the serial number to anyone. If someone tries to claim it might be their stolen guitar then let them tell you what the serial number was/is.

                            Sorry, not trying to be a dick Aaron, but I've had this exact shit happen to me before and I was the one that ended up being scammed in the end.

                            '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                            '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                            '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                            VOX AD30VT


                            • #15
                              I actually just wanted to get his heart racing a bit. I don't have a brother. Was that a cruel?

                              Great Find man. Enjoy.

