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its hard to get a shark fin jackson these days.

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  • #46
    Oh... BTW I just saved a ton of money on car insurance by switching to Gieco!

    I'm just yankin' yo' chain!


    • #47
      Thanks, phill_up. It just SEEMS like I am stupid. (Well, maybe I am). Thanks for your advice there, but that would be something that I am not familiar with, either. Where are you at here in the high plains? Are you the Brotha' on Harmony Central with the BC Riches that wanted to trade for my Kelly?
      I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


      • #48
        I'm just BS'ing you with the Brotha' terminology John. If you have microsoft office installed on your computer you should be able to find it by pressing the start button, then navigate to "All Programs" You should see all of your microsoft office bundled together. like Access, Excell, Powerpoint, Word etc. You can also copy and paste into microsoft word to identify the font size, style, color blah blah. I have never posted on harmony central and have never had the privelige of owning a BC.


        • #49
          Phill_up, you are stalling; where are you at? Maybe sometime we could get together and show off our collection of Jacksons. I've called music stores here in Kansas and Nebraska. They have slim pickin's. Some of them don't even know what a Jackson is. Maybe you are in a more metropolitan area. I can get to Nebraska in about half an hour, but everything in Kansas is about 4 to 5 hours away. So, I have had to find things on the internet and I am not used to doing this. I am originally from Indiana, which is WAY MORE populated. It has guitar centers and pawn stores (lots of them) that have a wide variety of used Jacksons, Charvels, Kramers,... just about anything you could want. This has been kinda hard getting used to. So, phill_up, where are you at? (Cable Guy) LOL
          I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


          • #50
            Originally posted by JACKSONFREAK View Post
            Like run on sentances
            Gil, you can't even spell sentence.
            And how many times have I seen you use the word "clearity"? It's CLARITY.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #51
              Pssh, ninth grade English (You'll note that I spelled out "nine" in order to follow the grammatical rule that is "Only use digits for number 11 and up, under 11, you spell out the word. Ex: eight instead of 8). Good work on capitalizing English though. Very few people know that you are supposed to do that when talking about the school subject.

              Oh, and who needs Microsoft Word to check spelling when you can use Firefox instead (The sentence structure thing on the other hand...).
              "Dear Dr. Bill,
              I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

              "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


              • #52
                Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
                Phill_up, you are stalling; where are you at? Maybe sometime we could get together and show off our collection of Jacksons. I've called music stores here in Kansas and Nebraska. They have slim pickin's. Some of them don't even know what a Jackson is. Maybe you are in a more metropolitan area. I can get to Nebraska in about half an hour, but everything in Kansas is about 4 to 5 hours away. So, I have had to find things on the internet and I am not used to doing this. I am originally from Indiana, which is WAY MORE populated. It has guitar centers and pawn stores (lots of them) that have a wide variety of used Jacksons, Charvels, Kramers,... just about anything you could want. This has been kinda hard getting used to. So, phill_up, where are you at? (Cable Guy) LOL
                What is up with that??? My Shop is in Kansas.....


                • #53
                  From a purely psychological point, reality is clouded by perception. Therefore, what we perceive as fact, we accept as fact, even though truth may be far from what we perceive. But, kudos to straycat for the use of obtuse. I remember it being a word in my fourth grade son's vocabulary test. Ben, thank you for pointing out my grammatical mistake. I feel that I am getting a college education for free (or at least grade school). I didn't get much book-a-learnin'. Well, that may be your perception, which may be the truth or may not be? This is to Jacksonpc1; I don't know of your store. Where is it located? I have called several music stores and I have found it very frustrating. You have to understand that I live in the far Northwest corner of Kansas within a very few miles of both Colorado and Nebraska. For all I know, your store could be clear on the far East of Kansas, which would not be in my phone book. Please post your phone number to your store or pm it to me if you do not feel comfortable doing that. Thanks for the heads up, pc1.
                  I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                    Hey John Lawson, if you have Microsoft word on yo' puter you can always type the post there and it will check for sentence structure etc. It would be quicker than the English book.

                    Just a thought My Brotha'
                    It doesn't always work correctly.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                      It doesn't always work correctly.
                      Well SON OF A B!*& Damn Bill

                      Ben I am hooked on firefox and you are right, that is a very nice little feature, seems to work good enough for me here.

                      If I was going to write an article or something I would definitely use word though. I posted some BS over Charles Boyles gas laws taking water all the way to -460 Fahrenheit to where all molecular activity is believed to cease, converting it to absolute, and noting change in state from Ice to water to steam, anyway it was a hell of a lot of math and formulas, I ran it through "word" and I got compliments out the ass for sentence structure and spelling but no one even complimented on the LONG ASS equation!
                      Last edited by phill_up; 09-21-2008, 02:42 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by toejam View Post
                        Gil, you can't even spell sentence.
                        And how many times have I seen you use the word "clearity"? It's CLARITY.
                        Did ya notice the at the bottom? hah didja?
                        But in my own defense i am dislexic so :eviletogue.gif:
                        It was an ironic post. Complaining about someones typing and grammer skills. While providing such of my own. But a couple of those were honest typos.
                        oh yeah and again just for good measure.


                        • #57
                          welcome to the forum john
                          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
                            junior member who does not know the new stuff!but trust me junior im no junior,you should be able to tell that be my typing,been sign"n checks for awhile,not chatting!so make fun,i understand,distance make"s u brave,im glade i dont need anything to make me that way.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
                              From a purely psychological point, reality is clouded by perception. Therefore, what we perceive as fact, we accept as fact, even though truth may be far from what we perceive. But, kudos to straycat for the use of obtuse. I remember it being a word in my fourth grade son's vocabulary test. Ben, thank you for pointing out my grammatical mistake. I feel that I am getting a college education for free (or at least grade school). I didn't get much book-a-learnin'. Well, that may be your perception, which may be the truth or may not be? This is to Jacksonpc1; I don't know of your store. Where is it located? I have called several music stores and I have found it very frustrating. You have to understand that I live in the far Northwest corner of Kansas within a very few miles of both Colorado and Nebraska. For all I know, your store could be clear on the far East of Kansas, which would not be in my phone book. Please post your phone number to your store or pm it to me if you do not feel comfortable doing that. Thanks for the heads up, pc1.

                              The second post was even funnier than the first. You worked your ass off on it and still came out sounding like you rode the short bus.


                              • #60
                                Aaron, please, if that is an insult, make it a little easier for me to understand. I am not up to date on all the internet lingo. What does mean? (Or do I want to know?) Is it relavant to sharkfin guitars, cuz I'm pretty sure that is from a thread way back?Hey Aaron[esadmf]
                                Last edited by john.w.lawson; 09-21-2008, 07:21 PM.
                                I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.

