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Salon de la musique - Paris

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  • #16
    Merci Beaucoup!
    Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Snoogans View Post
      Tres bon!
      Love the pink Rhoads!
      Seeing the amount of Vigiers there, did they happen to have Cristophe Godin doing any demos?
      Do you mean Christophe Godin like the guy who is with me on this picture? ;-)

      He made demos for Vigier, and Zoom, and he's seriously kicking a$$!

      Notice that I was wearing a Jackson T Shirt!

      Originally posted by zebutcher View Post
      The Lag seems to be a baryton. Good point.
      It's a 25.5" scale, it's because of the 27 frets, the neck seems longer (Salut Zeb! Rot'n roll on
      What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.


      • #18
        I have a Vigier. I'll probably never play another "shred guitar" again.

        I am going to see Godin in Clinic in a few days...hooray!

        How are those Lag guitars anyway? I ahve heard a lot about them. The dealer for Vigier near me also has them in stock.


        • #19
          Lag are very good guitars (the high end ones, built in Bedarieux in France, I don't know for the asian made series), but are more traditional than Vigier, that are using some really specific things, like the 90/10 carbon neck, zero fret, ball bearing tremolo. I think that in the high end Lag, they put titanium reinforcement in the neck and IMO Lag look sexier than the Vigier.

          The Vigier is certainly the best polyvalent guitar you can find in the world, the finish is perfect, but compared to a US Jackson, it lacks MOJO.

          Good for you if you see Godin, he has such a terrific sense of humour, and he is really a good guitar player.
          What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.


          • #20
            Christophe Godin is a monster player! I've only recently discovered his work and I'm trying to get hold of as much of it as I can. He's doing a few clinics in the UK this month, but I'm at entirely the wrong end of the country. (The unfashionable pointy bit at the bottom corner where nothing ever happens...)

