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Post-Fender Jackson...

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  • Post-Fender Jackson...

    I had to get something off my chest:

    There is a movie from 1986 called Crossroads. I've seen it many times and I always enjoy it. In that movie a guitarhero appear: Steve Vai. But does he carry one of his many JEM-guitars? No! He plays a JACKSON. Many guitarists followed him.
    There are tales about the amazing guitars they built. The guitars from the "Pre-fender" era. Now the Jackson name belongs to FMIC. FMIC doesn't let Jackson build these wonderful guitars. Look at what they have taken away: The Sweetone series, SLATQH.

    But hear this, my fellow guitarplayers:
    If I ever will have the opportunity, I shall buy back the once so great brand known as Jackson/Charvel, and once again they will build the finest guitars ever built by man... (Sorry Orville )
    '08 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
    '09 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
    '09 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Fatstrat
    '12 Charvel ProMod SoCal Japan
    '17 Gibson Les Paul Classic
    '13 Gibson M-III
    Taylor 214CE
    Dean 6-string Bass
    Morgan Ukulele

  • #2
    I think Fender would dissolve Jackson Charvel rather then sell it off.

    With the economy the way it is anything can happen and maybe you or Dave Mustaine will own Jackson/Charvel.

    If you do buy it get rid of that stupid artist similar policy.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AK47 View Post
      I think Fender would dissolve Jackson Charvel rather then sell it off.

      With the economy the way it is anything can happen and maybe you or Dave Mustaine will own Jackson/Charvel.

      If you do buy it get rid of that stupid artist similar policy.
      Me and Dave Mustaine.
      '08 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
      '09 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
      '09 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Fatstrat
      '12 Charvel ProMod SoCal Japan
      '17 Gibson Les Paul Classic
      '13 Gibson M-III
      Taylor 214CE
      Dean 6-string Bass
      Morgan Ukulele


      • #4
        I agree. Fender has helped get the name out (more advertisment & such) ,but they have changed the company a lot. I see it more than some folks because being in the business & doing business with Akai & doing business with FMIC is 2 totally different things. However Pre Fender or Post Fender Jackson is still a great guitar.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jacksonpc1 View Post
          I agree. Fender has helped get the name out (more advertisment & such) ,but they have changed the company a lot. I see it more than some folks because being in the business & doing business with Akai & doing business with FMIC is 2 totally different things. However Pre Fender or Post Fender Jackson is still a great guitar.
          Agreed. I buy post-fender Jackson. They are the best guitars I've tried.
          '08 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
          '09 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
          '09 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Fatstrat
          '12 Charvel ProMod SoCal Japan
          '17 Gibson Les Paul Classic
          '13 Gibson M-III
          Taylor 214CE
          Dean 6-string Bass
          Morgan Ukulele


          • #6
            I take it that dave mustaine must be on this board somewhere? thats cool! long live jackson guitars. I remember that movie! Back in those days some guitarist had their guitars but got indorsments which steve did and thats why he ended up playing ibanezes. I got messed up in the same thing. Alot of BS but that is business.




            • #7
              Originally posted by ToneZone View Post
              I had to get something off my chest:

              There is a movie from 1986 called Crossroads. I've seen it many times and I always enjoy it. In that movie a guitarhero appear: Steve Vai. But does he carry one of his many JEM-guitars? No! He plays a JACKSON.
              Well, of course he didn't play the JEM... it wasn't around back then. The red guitar in that movie was a Charvel. He played Jacksons and Charvels, modded them and used them as inspiration for the JEM when he got his Ibanez deal.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #8
                Originally posted by toejam View Post
                Well, of course he didn't play the JEM... it wasn't around back then. The red guitar in that movie was a Charvel. He played Jacksons and Charvels, modded them and used them as inspiration for the JEM when he got his Ibanez deal.
                Isn't that Chavel hanging in a Hard Rock Cafe somewhere?


                • #9
                  If a company is not moving product, it will dissolve no matter who owns it.

                  A company can not continue to manufacture a product line if sales of said product do not generate sufficient revenue, even if that product has a devoted following.

                  If the Sweetone and SLATQH models weren't selling, Jackson's owners, no matter who they are, had little choice but to discontinue them. That isn't saying they weren't good guitars (I own a SLATQH, and love it), but if they weren't carrying their weight as far as revenue is concerned, there is little choice but to discontinue them. Both the Sweetone and SLATQH lines had special tooling requirements compared to the rest of the line, and it obviously wasn't cost effective to continue those products at the price point they were presented at. God forbid if they would have increased prices on those models to support their continued production, the masses would have complained just as loudly, if not moreso.

                  I am a product manager for a company that manufactures digital video processors; I live this shit every day, folks.

                  I have owned both pre-Fender and post-Fender Jackson production guitars. If anything, I think the post-Fender guitars have been of better quality.

                  The recent Charvel models were something few of us would have expected a few years ago. Yet they seem to be incredibly successful from a brand most here thought would have been discontinued.

                  The Jackson/Charvel products capture a demographic that a Fender-branded guitar would never reach. It makes sense for Fender to continue with the Jackson and Charvel lines, but they have to keep them profitable, which may mean cancellation of certain models that aren't pulling in sufficient revenue.

                  Jackson/Charvel products represented no threat to sales of Fender branded guitars. So acquiring those brands enables Fender to capture a wider overall market. It doesn't make sense for them to dissolve those brands. It makes sense for them to build those brands so they can make more money as an overall entity.

                  If Dave Mustaine bought Jackson tomorrow, ebay auctions would be touting the superiority of "Pre Mustaine" Jacksons on Tuesday.

                  Call it "New Coke" syndrome.

                  This isn't rocket science, there's no plot to kill the Jackson/Charvel line, and there ain't no Easter bunny either.

                  - E.
                  Last edited by AlexL; 09-21-2008, 12:38 AM.
                  Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AlexL View Post
                    and there ain't no Easter bunny either.

                    - E.

                    Nice post! I like how you state your point then use examples to back it up, not just opinion.
                    "Dear Dr. Bill,
                    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


                    • #11
                      So you're saying Dave Mustaine isn't real? Who knew.
                      |My CSG gallery|


                      • #12
                        damnit, Eric! There was so much good information happening in this thread before you had to come along and ruin it with your "logic" and your "common sense" and your "real world experience".
                        Hail yesterday


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
                          So you're saying Dave Mustaine isn't real? Who knew.
                          Oh that's just crazy talk. Dave Mustaine is plenty real! He lives at the north pole with Santa Clause building high quality Dean Guitars for good little boys and girls.

                          Just kidding, there's not such thing as a high quality dean.*

                          *disclaimer-it's a joke dean fans, just a joke.
                          In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jacksonpc1 View Post
                            Isn't that Chavel hanging in a Hard Rock Cafe somewhere?

                            It was at the Houston HRC several years ago, but I was told that they sent it to a HRC in Australia.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by eakinj View Post
                              *disclaimer-it's a joke dean fans, just a joke.
                              Admit it, you're not kidding.
                              "Dear Dr. Bill,
                              I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                              "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub

