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Help me id a charvel

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  • #16
    yeah it is a 750xl they are such dicks I will have the $$$ next week so I'm like hey I'll put half on lay away.. they don't do lay away now blah blah.. I'm like dude i'll $50 to stick aside.. they like nah if it's meant to be it will be blah blah.. i'm like dude make it meant to be man I'll have $$$ no problem next week.. assholes... used to be a great store I was friends with the owners now they are just dickheads.


    • #17
      If you can get a 750XL for $500, that's a steal. Good luck.


      • #18
        yah well i've had amazing luck with finding these nice charvels but idk if it will happen and i don't want to ruin my karma i've already scored several amazing charvels at prices that were almost like being given away for free.

        I really dig these charvels maybe they were hair metal but I think they are great blues and rock guitars and these old 80's gits are so much nicer than anything they make now they just sound so much ballsier.
        but yeah if it is meant to be I'll get it but i really need a new amp more than a guitar but it's kinda hard to turn down a super rare 24.5 scale set neck mahogonay super strat the best the japanese ever made.


        • #19
          Well if they have it next week and I decide not to buy it, I'll be glad to take some pics if anyone wants it they will ship it anywhere probably. I need a new amp real bad and I'm trying to decide if I really need another guitar now.


          • #20
            ah ok so he still has it and I saw it

            It is a 750xl it is purple... I think transparent purple but very dark and hard ot see the wood

            It has a hard tail bridge no trem, and we measured 25" scale length. But it has reverse sharktooth. I'm curious if we measured the scale length wrong or if a hard tail is a little longer.

            so I might grab it next week if it is still there. This is really the highest quality charvel I have played the neck is pretty amazing. But it has non-original pickups on it.

            It's a really sweet guitar tho and almost as heavy as my deluxe strat.

