Charvel strings!

Guy at the music shop I frequent locally (the guy that had the Iron Bird that I helped out one of our members with & the Pacer I helped myself with for those of you scoring at home) has gotten a bunch of stuff over the last few years from the estate of Charles Smith (Kool & the Gang guitarist). Recently one of his family members dropped off a huge box of strings.
Knowing that I dig Charvels, when I went in to pick up a DiMarzio I ordered from him, he gave me the above.
Never seen Charvel strings before. I BET IT IS WORTH $1000000 TO A REAL CHARVEL COLLECTOR! PM ME FOR DETAILS !1!!1!!!!!
Seriously, thought you guys would get a kick out of it. Note price in Yen.

Guy at the music shop I frequent locally (the guy that had the Iron Bird that I helped out one of our members with & the Pacer I helped myself with for those of you scoring at home) has gotten a bunch of stuff over the last few years from the estate of Charles Smith (Kool & the Gang guitarist). Recently one of his family members dropped off a huge box of strings.
Knowing that I dig Charvels, when I went in to pick up a DiMarzio I ordered from him, he gave me the above.
Never seen Charvel strings before. I BET IT IS WORTH $1000000 TO A REAL CHARVEL COLLECTOR! PM ME FOR DETAILS !1!!1!!!!!
Seriously, thought you guys would get a kick out of it. Note price in Yen.