I want to understand why Charvel is the "one" for you. I read alot of these threads like some kinda addict, everyday checking NEW POSTS for info. Alot of you seem to horde the Charvel's like they are golden. I feel like I am missing something big. I just got into the Jackson world and THANKS to FIREBIRD V, I have a Duncan Distortion making great noise for me. I am banging away learning with Doug Mark's Metal Method. I have played Strats, Les Pauls, BC Rich, ESP, LTD,Schecter & Ibanez. I know why I like a certain brand of guitar, neck, weight, smoothness of playing....sound is subjective... But have never even held a Charvel. There seems to be a great lack of them for sale in the South Florida area! I have combed thru Guitar Centers and Mom & Pop shops, but I am lucky to even find a USA Jackson, Ibanez JEM or ESP Horizion. My fiance is telling me once I learn more on the guitar....I can choose "THE ONE". She is the same one that surprised me with my pretty good Chibanez UV777BK.
Give me some reasons why you all are crazy about Charvels.
Give me some reasons why you all are crazy about Charvels.
