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Jackson Copies?

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  • Jackson Copies?

    Alright, I just saw this killer looking guitar made by Jackal (his work has been seen around here already I'm sure). It is a replica of the Lost Rhoads at Namm that was accidentally sold. This is a full on replica, closer than the JCF run it looks like.

    I was wondering if his work is illegal. Can he make these replicas and put his name on them? I've heard nice things about them, but they ain't a true JACKSON.


  • #2
    That depends on who told you that.I have seen a Jackal RR copy up close and it was Ok but not as nice as a Jackson IMO lots of flaws in the paint is what I remember most about it,neck was rather chunky too.
    I'm sure they make great guitars I'm not dogging them only telling what I saw.
    Jackson could probably go after them and with Fender at the helm It wouldn't suprise me.
    Last edited by straycat; 10-31-2008, 12:03 AM.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #3
      Perfectly legal.
      He's not making any claims that it is a Jackson.
      There are a lot of companies that make V style guitars.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
        Perfectly legal.
        He's not making any claims that it is a Jackson.
        There are a lot of companies that make V style guitars.
        So if he wrote Jackson on the headstock, he'd find some trouble, huh?


        • #5
          I have not seen the product up close, but his guitars look very good. I too wonder about all of the legal issues. How many Les Paul and Strat style guitars are there out there? It seems that only the US takes any stock in trademarks and patents. To me it would seem a bit hypocritical if Jackson/Charvel were to go after anyone - I mean wasn't Charvel started by copying the Strat body? Granted they have come full circle and are owned by the company they were ripping off. As long as Jackal isn't passing off his stuff as Jackson, I don't see the harm. Also, with all of Jackson's regulations against building artist similar guitars, there leaves an unfulfilled demand in that category. And I am sure that when Jackson's custom shop says NO, the disappointed customer will seek out an unknown luthier to make his/her dream guitar.


          • #6
            fender went after charvel for the headstock and made them change it. The head stock on this one screams Jackson!


            • #7
              Originally posted by randyrhoadsguitar View Post
              It is a replica of the Lost Rhoads at Namm that was accidentally sold. This is a full on replica, closer than the JCF run it looks like.
              What about it makes you say it is closer to the real thing than the JCF run? I am just curious, because at first glance, it looks the same except for the logo and the bridge.
              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


              • #8
                Body shapes are rarely patented or copyrighted, that is why you see so many copies of each. They need only minor changes to avoid being a direct copy, look at the PRS and Gibson case. Usually companies start with the lawsuits when it come to the headstocks, because that is what is noticeable and individual to each company. Logos obviously are a big no no, but only if you are selling the guitar. You can build a direct copy of any guitar and put an exact copy of their logo on it and go into the lobby of their headquarters and play it and it is legal. As soon as you try to sell it, whether you state that it is a copy or not, it is illegal.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
                  What about it makes you say it is closer to the real thing than the JCF run? I am just curious, because at first glance, it looks the same except for the logo and the bridge.
                  I'm not sure if you've seen sully's thread about the differences between the original and jcf run, but this model seems to have everything down. Or near down.

                  -A PCS style bridge (the JCF also had one)
                  -The control V plate still seems a bit wrong, but is more accurately placed than the JCF
                  -Large V plate covering the stringthru holes (JCF had an RR1 size)
                  -The pickups and pickup rings are cream/black and gold (JCF black/white and black... The pu's were actually backwards from what I heard)

                  That's what I see. More pictures: If you cover the headstock, you have to admit it looks like a very nice replica through the pictures.



                  • #10
                    anyone remember the "chainsaw song" by jackyl


                    • #11
                      Did Jackson go after ESP in the late 80s and make them change their headstock?


                      • #12
                        Jackson would probably go after Jackal because of the similarity in logos, in the same way that Fender went after Tokai a few years ago.

                        The only things is that I would doubt the Jackal is a better guitar than the Jackson equivilent, unlike the Fender/Tokai thing, the Fenders at the time were shocking.
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back

