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Did Tobacco Sunburst get discontinued?

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  • Did Tobacco Sunburst get discontinued?

    I contacted Guitar Asylum about getting a SLATQH in Tobacco Sunburst and they said it's not fucking available. Which seeing TSB is my favorite color/finish of all time this is a major cock block. Every site I've looked on shows that it's an available finish for that guitar, so the only logical explaination is that the Tobacco Sunburst got discontinued.

    Anybody know what the deal is?

  • #2
    Did you look on the Jackson guitars website? Tobacco sunburst was discontinued several years ago. As was the SLATQH model. Both are custom shop only now. Welcome to 2008.


    • #3
      You have a PM...


      • #4
        Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
        Did you look on the Jackson guitars website? Tobacco sunburst was discontinued several years ago. As was the SLATQH model. Both are custom shop only now. Welcome to 2008.
        Ya I was pretty sure the SLATQH got discontinued awhile ago but decided to email Guitar Asylum anyway and they said that I can still get one, but I had no idea that Tobacco Sunburst got discontinued.

        Well this fucking sucks

        and thanks for the PM CharvelRocker

