I have a useless 2700 dollar Charvel and I just paid FMIC and Guitar Center 78 dollars to tell me its useless and get fucked. Here is my story...
I am posting this here instead of USA Charvels because I want everyone to see this because I am so angry right now.
As some of you may know I ordered this guitar through Matts music when Charvel's customs were still a reasonable cost. I received the guitar over a year and a half ago in unplayable condition. The action was so low the strings were resting on the frets. No biggie guitars are tempermantle with air and it came from the East coast to California.
So I took it to Torres Engineering in San Mateo and you guys can google him he knows his guitars. He set the guitar up and told me that in order for the guitar to be playable he had to set the action very high. He said for a 2700 dollar guitar this is totally unacceptable.
I then contacted Matt and told me I have to take it to a local FMIC authorized repair center.
I will try to sum up what happened. I went back and forth with Guitar Center till I got them to send the guitar out to FMIC for a repair a few months ago. This all happened over the course of a year. I just did not have time to make phone calls everyday to get my guitar taken care of.
I was told repeatedly by guitar center and the FMIC customer service center that everything will be made right after I got it shipped to FMIC. I did not worry and figured everything was going to turn out OK.
So tonight I went to Guitar Center to pick up my guitar. The manager was not there so the employees were not much help. All I know is I paid 78 dollars to get my guitar back with the same neck and the neck had been adjusted so far back that the fretboard is actually touching the body! Also the first fret if played on buzzes because the action is too low to the frets. As you can see it is adjusted to the max to be barely playable.
I took the guitar home and decided to pay GC to release it to me.
I took pictures of my old beat up 88 Tom Anderson Pro Am which is a properly set up and exact same configuration as my CS Charvel (22fret/recessed floyd) so you guys can see how far the neck has been adjusted.
I now currently have a 2700 dollar Charvel custom shop that is totally useless to me. Plus a 78 dollar receipt or bill which I can assume is a bill for FMIC to tell me to get screwed.
I hope someone from FMIC reads this and helps me out as I really have nothing else I can do right now with this guitar. I could not even sell it because it would just be unethical.
Here are pics and proof.
Pics of custom:

Pics of neck:

with dirty ass fingernail yes I work with my hands sometimes and it shows:

Pics of 78 dollar FU Bill from Guitar Center:

Pics of 88 Anderson that is properly setup in the same config:

Pics of both guitars for comparison:

If I am out of line and this is acceptable for a Charvel to be set up like this please tell me. Maybe I am being too demanding?
I am posting this here instead of USA Charvels because I want everyone to see this because I am so angry right now.
As some of you may know I ordered this guitar through Matts music when Charvel's customs were still a reasonable cost. I received the guitar over a year and a half ago in unplayable condition. The action was so low the strings were resting on the frets. No biggie guitars are tempermantle with air and it came from the East coast to California.
So I took it to Torres Engineering in San Mateo and you guys can google him he knows his guitars. He set the guitar up and told me that in order for the guitar to be playable he had to set the action very high. He said for a 2700 dollar guitar this is totally unacceptable.
I then contacted Matt and told me I have to take it to a local FMIC authorized repair center.
I will try to sum up what happened. I went back and forth with Guitar Center till I got them to send the guitar out to FMIC for a repair a few months ago. This all happened over the course of a year. I just did not have time to make phone calls everyday to get my guitar taken care of.
I was told repeatedly by guitar center and the FMIC customer service center that everything will be made right after I got it shipped to FMIC. I did not worry and figured everything was going to turn out OK.
So tonight I went to Guitar Center to pick up my guitar. The manager was not there so the employees were not much help. All I know is I paid 78 dollars to get my guitar back with the same neck and the neck had been adjusted so far back that the fretboard is actually touching the body! Also the first fret if played on buzzes because the action is too low to the frets. As you can see it is adjusted to the max to be barely playable.
I took the guitar home and decided to pay GC to release it to me.
I took pictures of my old beat up 88 Tom Anderson Pro Am which is a properly set up and exact same configuration as my CS Charvel (22fret/recessed floyd) so you guys can see how far the neck has been adjusted.
I now currently have a 2700 dollar Charvel custom shop that is totally useless to me. Plus a 78 dollar receipt or bill which I can assume is a bill for FMIC to tell me to get screwed.
I hope someone from FMIC reads this and helps me out as I really have nothing else I can do right now with this guitar. I could not even sell it because it would just be unethical.
Here are pics and proof.
Pics of custom:

Pics of neck:

with dirty ass fingernail yes I work with my hands sometimes and it shows:

Pics of 78 dollar FU Bill from Guitar Center:

Pics of 88 Anderson that is properly setup in the same config:

Pics of both guitars for comparison:

If I am out of line and this is acceptable for a Charvel to be set up like this please tell me. Maybe I am being too demanding?