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Newb needs Jackson 101..

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  • #16
    I have a USA SL2H, and have been thinking about getting a SL3 also. Anything I have heard about those has been all good.


    • #17
      Maybe it's just me, but if I did run across someone selling due to the current economic crunch, I wouldn't try to talk them down on the already low price. If I can't afford the asking price, I don't buy. Of course this excludes MSRP/MAP.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        Wilmington eh? Yeah, don't fret about "deciphering" endless versions of Jacksons. Unless you are willing to do the eBay thing, you'll only have 2 or 3 models to choose from. Sad, but true.
        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
        - Ken M


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
          Another thing to consider is neck profile.
          I like a thin neck! Both my Japanese Jacksons and the 88 are thin.
          Every PRS I have tried was far too beefy, like a thick Les Paul.
          The new Charvel SoCal's are a bit more "vintage Strat" thickness.
          Try them before you buy them.
          Pups...I don't have any problem with the stock Jacksons...I like J90C for the bridge. Avoid HZ's...and EMG 85/89 are fine for shredding, not so great for cleans.
          ..Far as I've checked on the PRS was to see it, drop my jaw, get a slight pudgy, and ask the price(pudgy went away).. Never actually picked it up.. If it has a fat neck I won't like it for sure.. But the more I look at it I'm thinkin I'm over it already.. Loved an old higher end Ibanez I had for the neck profile.. Made life easier on some of those funky "thumb-over" chordings and just felt better in my stumpy hands.. So we will be doin some tryin'..

          SEEGERMANY- You guys are a hoot.. Three of the responses to my original Q are concerned with my punctuation foibles.. Seems I've landed amongst some musically inclined tinkering anal retentives.. Sounds simply "homey" .. are three dots, FWIW.. At least GT pointed out that they're "partials".. (_*_)

          VoiceX3, stevoc, C-a-c, Newc, MartinBarre1- Thanks a ton for y'all's input.. It'll take a while to digest it all..
          Meanwhile, my wife beaned me with a V8 today when she asked "Why are you trying to make the new guitar sound like the old one.? You can have more than one, ya know.."
          I knew there was a reason I married that woman.!! :idea:
          ..If you guys are getting good cleans from the HB's mebbe I need ta check'em out a little more.. I have it in my head from my first set of EMG's (when they first came out, actually) inna Guild S100, multitudes of other 2xHB guitars and several Les Pauls of various pedigree that the front HB's generally seemed to be very muddy to my tastes.. Save for one little off-the-wall no-name $100 pawn shop giutar I owned for several years that played and sounded better than anything I ever owned no matter the cost..

          ..Lemme try it from an alternate angle so mebbe I can get this into practical terms I can understand easier.. How do you think the P/U arrangement affects the resale on a Jackson.? I see a "New" Soloist with the H/S/S sitting in the classifieds for a month with seemingly no interest.. For the terminally flakey and severely A.D.D. this is a big concern.. If I decide it ain't "me" I'd like to be able to back out of it with minimal "rent" paid.. I'd rather fork out the extra coin initially if it means an easier sale in the case of a "flake-out"..

          ..'Sorry to ramble on, but thinking these things out ahead of time has saved my arse on many occasions now.. So I tend to over-study..
          After I get something I'll back off.. Really.. d:^) Schneeky..
          Fat, dumb & happy in the corner with my G-DEC.
          It's always on time, has none of those human "issues", never bores or bitches about my "torturing of the stringed beasty"..
          Laugh all ya want..


          • #20
            Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
            Wilmington eh? Yeah, don't fret about "deciphering" endless versions of Jacksons. Unless you are willing to do the eBay thing, you'll only have 2 or 3 models to choose from. Sad, but true.
            ..I see you've been here already.. Yer prolly right, tho'.. I may hafta take a guitar shoppin safari into the nether regions of Raleigh and Charlotte after I figure this mess out.. Better yet, let my fingers do the walkin' in search of semi-local offerings in the soon-to-be determined genre.. Anybody have suggestions for places to check in these areas.?

            Newc- The gallantry of your post is muted by the brutality of your sig line.. Actually I lo-ball on a somewhat regular basis in my job as a wholesaler/trader of used hardware.. Gettin the bills paid is better'n gettin kicked out.. If they have a decent price already I don't try and beat it to death, tho'.. d:^) Schneeky..
            Fat, dumb & happy in the corner with my G-DEC.
            It's always on time, has none of those human "issues", never bores or bitches about my "torturing of the stringed beasty"..
            Laugh all ya want..


            • #21
              Charlotte is a DK2M/JS series wasteland....maaaaaaybe an RR5 can be found on a good day. I saw a beat to shit used SL1 at the GC for a total ripoff price once. Splawn had those pro mod Charvels advertised down near Gastonia. There are some bros near Raleigh who can comment on that side of town better than I.
              "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
              - Ken M


              • #22
                Originally posted by Newc View Post
                Maybe it's just me, but if I did run across someone selling due to the current economic crunch, I wouldn't try to talk them down on the already low price. If I can't afford the asking price, I don't buy. Of course this excludes MSRP/MAP.
                Newc, I do understand your stance...but it's not always practical, for the seller or the buyer. I know when I'm selling, there's a price I want to get which I'd list, and the price I'm willing to take. And I have sold a guitar during this crunch, my RR5. If you guys knew how much I sold it for you'd probably choke on your tongues....but I sold it for my bottom line because I had to. Had I not been flexible, I'd have been in a bad way. Not the greatest transaction, but the result is better than if it hadn't sold.

                Back on topic, I'd recommend the DK2S for a s/s/h config too, but would swap out the bridge pickup. That sustainer is cool too.

                If you decide to try 2 hum..........oh boy! Too many choices, I'd suggest trying any and all that you can and see what feels best!
                Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                Check out the new band at -


                • #23
                  From your description, H/S/S with Strat shape, sharkies, and standard headstock, for $1k or less used, I'd say you just talked yourself into an SL-1 As far as re-sale goes, some like the SL2H and some like the SL1 better. Just depends on your personal prefrence. If its in nice shape I don't think you'll take too much of a hit on it if you decide to sell it. The finish/color will have more to to with desirability that than the pickups. On the low end some have found plain black SL1's or SL2H's for as low as $750-1000. As long as its in nice shape and no permanent mods done to it, you should be o.k. in that price range. That doesn't necessarily mean it will sell immediately but when it does you should be able to get close to that back out of it. I have a feeling all this is moot however because once you play one you won't want to give it up
                  Oh, and I agree with Newc, generally speaking you're not going to find a PC1 for $1K or less. I'm sure it occassionally happens but this is not the norm.


                  • #24
                    Allright roody, I'll be sure to check'em out.!!

                    BTW- Is there and eye-candy thread on here somewhere where you guys posted pics of yer rigs.? I'd like to see a whole pile of these rigs in one place if it's available..
                    Just ta get an idea of what's what.. Thanks.. d:^) Schneeky..
                    Fat, dumb & happy in the corner with my G-DEC.
                    It's always on time, has none of those human "issues", never bores or bitches about my "torturing of the stringed beasty"..
                    Laugh all ya want..


                    • #25
                      Well, you can peruse the gaggle of things I no longer own

                      There's all kinds o' stuff I used to own in there
                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #26

                        "We're just hacking on ya!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Newc View Post
                          Well, you can peruse the gaggle of things I no longer own There's all kinds o' stuff I used to own in there
                          ..So I see.!! Holy cow, man.. Whot a collection.!! There's some nice lookin pieces in there m' man.. Gotta "current stock" FTP site.?

                          SEEGERMANY- Wouldn't have it any other way, coon-ass.. Nice "Brat-Pack" pic.. d:^) Schneeky..
                          Fat, dumb & happy in the corner with my G-DEC.
                          It's always on time, has none of those human "issues", never bores or bitches about my "torturing of the stringed beasty"..
                          Laugh all ya want..


                          • #28
                            I highly recommend a SL1. Its got the specs you want for the most part, and it's just an all around killer guitar.

                            I would recommend a PC1, but I can't stand the feel of bolt-ons, but if you like em then by all means I'd say give a PC1 a shot!


                            • #29
                              This one's kindof workin me over a bit from the low end.. I like the looks of it but I ain't sure it's really a deal or not.. Looks to be priced right in there with a stock new one.. Cat sez he's a tech but who knows, really.. Seems like a nice enough fella in email..

                              ..There's a good many SL1's and such on there.. I have a few on watch.. I gotta say I'm a skosh apprehensive about purchasing something so "personal" from eBay.. But given the market around here, I may not have much choice.. d:^) Schneeky..
                              Last edited by Schneeky; 12-03-2008, 08:48 AM.
                              Fat, dumb & happy in the corner with my G-DEC.
                              It's always on time, has none of those human "issues", never bores or bitches about my "torturing of the stringed beasty"..
                              Laugh all ya want..


                              • #30
                                I'm not sure if that's a DR3 body or what, but it really looks nice. I'd love to get a Jackson with that type of finish, but 1) it's discontinued and 2) I'd have to part with something I already have in order to make room . . . which I can't see myself doing.

