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Jackson sighting

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  • Jackson sighting

    So, My kids just got Rockband 2 for the ps3. Ive watched them play Rockband 1 and never noticed anything specific, a couple of interesting looking vees and what looked like a kelly bass. Well tonight they were playing Rockband 2 and there it was. A kelly with sharkfins and Jackson on the headstock. I was kinda shocked. The game is tied to fender so I guess the buyout was good for exposure of the Jackson name. Ive got a kelly sitting in the corner of the room. Im waiting for one of them to put 2 and 2 together.

  • #2
    Yeah, I saw that in Rockband 1. I went through the game till I got enough to buy a WRXT (which had more features than the WRMG and USA WR1).

    It's screaming bright yellow
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #3
      Yeah that's due to the Fender connection. It's cool to see them in the game, but they need to make controlers as well or maybe slap a Charvel logo on the strat.


      • #4
        as i haven't payed rockband apart aside from 5 minutes at gamestop, anyone knows if there are any rhoads in em?


        • #5
          I have it (RB1) and have completed the guitar portion, but for the life of me I dont recall seeing a rhoads.

