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Should I or shouldn't I?

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  • Should I or shouldn't I?

    Hey guys (and I'm sure girls too!), I'm in a bit of a bind right now. I was passing my local guitar store whne my eyes fell upon a mint condition used Jackson DK2L (i think that was the model number). Now it was £399 and that's a tight push on my budget. I have a Charvel Model 3 (thanks to the guys on here for helping me discover that!), so do I buy said Jackson or is my Model 3 superior? And no, there is no WAY I'll part ex the Model 3
    Gear: Charvel Model 3, Marshall Reverb 30, Fender Squier Telecaster, Digitech GNX-1, GHS Boomers and a whole lot of Dunlop picks.... Oh, and a Hohner Harmonica - key of A

  • #2
    The dk2 may have better pickups and trem( not sure unless I know the year), but the model 3 has mojo! too me the 3 is better.


    • #3
      Sweet! Thanks for the advice. Maybe I'll spend money on some TLC for the Model 3 then!
      Gear: Charvel Model 3, Marshall Reverb 30, Fender Squier Telecaster, Digitech GNX-1, GHS Boomers and a whole lot of Dunlop picks.... Oh, and a Hohner Harmonica - key of A


      • #4
        Try it out and see what you think. I like my DK2 a lot. Every guitar is different.

        Oh, and welcome to the forum. I notice you refer to yourself as a "noob" once in a few other posts. You really don't need to. I personally don't care about how long someone's been here. If they're a nice person (Which you seem to be) they should be able to fit in really quickly. Treat people how you want to be treated seems to be the main guideline here and you've been doing a great job.
        "Dear Dr. Bill,
        I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

        "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ben... View Post
          Try it out and see what you think. I like my DK2 a lot. Every guitar is different.

          Oh, and welcome to the forum. I notice you refer to yourself as a "noob" once in a few other posts. You really don't need to. I personally don't care about how long someone's been here. If they're a nice person (Which you seem to be) they should be able to fit in really quickly. Treat people how you want to be treated seems to be the main guideline here and you've been doing a great job.
          Cheers Ben! I've been a member of many other forums (I'm an admin of one or two!) so I know my way around forums in general, I'm just a noob to this site and to Jackson/Charvel (even though I've owned one for 14 years, it's only now that I decided to find out what model number it is lol). I'm glad I found this site (the wonders of facebook!!) and I do indeed agree with you that the whole treat others as you wish to be treated ethos is generally the best, though I have been the victim of a few hostile forums in the past lol.

          Looking forward to chating about the best axes in the world
          Gear: Charvel Model 3, Marshall Reverb 30, Fender Squier Telecaster, Digitech GNX-1, GHS Boomers and a whole lot of Dunlop picks.... Oh, and a Hohner Harmonica - key of A


          • #6
            Save your cash- keep rockin' the model 3.


            • #7
              Buy it Before someone else does.
              8 strings? Because 6 is too easy?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                The dk2 may have better pickups and trem( not sure unless I know the year), but the model 3 has mojo! too me the 3 is better.

                :ROTF: mojo :ROTF:

                "Mojo" ain't got a damn thing to do with reality. The Charvel was built at a time when a lot of imports were giving a lot of USA-made guitars a serious run for their money - long before the revered Jackson Pro series of 1990 hit the scene.

                Remember, Grover Jackson trained the guys who built the Charvel Model models. This is a first-generation guitar (meaning it was built by someone who learned from Grover, not by the guy that was taught by the guy who learned from Grover).

                While Jackson's modern imports certainly don't suck, I think in a head-to-head comparison you'll find the Charvel to have a slightly better neck profile and playability because of its design and workmanship, and that has nothing to do with some mystical mythical bullshit like "mojo".

                Hardware and pickups on the new one may be better, but that stuff can easily be changed and has no bearing on the matter.
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Newc View Post
                  While Jackson's modern imports certainly don't suck, I think in a head-to-head comparison you'll find the Charvel to have a slightly better neck profile and playability because of its design and workmanship, and that has nothing to do with some mystical mythical bullshit like "mojo".
                  So then its only the pre-Fender Jacksons that have mojo?
                  Blank yo!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                    So then its only the pre-Fender Jacksons that have mojo?
                    No, he's suggesting mojo isn't real (I agree) and that the Model series are better built guitars due to the builders being directly taught by Grover and company as opposed to the new guitars being built by newer workers that were taught by other workers that were taught by other workers that were taught by other workers that were taught by other workers that were taught by other workers that were taught by Grover. (Phew, that was a mouthful)
                    Last edited by Ben...; 01-08-2009, 11:22 PM.
                    "Dear Dr. Bill,
                    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


                    • #11
                      lol, slipping back to that old argument - was better in the old days..
                      Doesnt sound like a good deal to me, especially since its used. A brief "google" says you can get a new one for £420 ish. If you really want a a new guitar I reckon you only need another 350 - 400 (possible with time) and you can get yourself a USA model from ebay. food for thought. Youll have problems finding a usa jackson on the shelf in Cardiff . lol


                      • #12
                        Remember, Grover Jackson trained the guys who built the Charvel Model models. This is a first-generation guitar (meaning it was built by someone who learned from Grover, not by the guy that was taught by the guy who learned from Grover).

                        While Jackson's modern imports certainly don't suck, I think in a head-to-head comparison you'll find the Charvel to have a slightly better neck profile and playability because of its design and workmanship, and that has nothing to do with some mystical mythical bullshit like "mojo".
                        You just described the charve model series mojo!


                        • #13
                          Even for the UK £400 seems very steep to me, considering it's used. I'd leave it. If you really want another Jackson keep checking UK Ebay - I got a JDR94 for under a hundred quid, and a KE3 for just over a hundred quid with a hard case!



                          • #14
                            I use to have a model 3. Now I have a DK2. Wish I still had the model 3.

                            Nuff said!

                            Seriously, the dk is a decent guitar, but the model 3 that I had blew it outta the water.
                            Prosecutors will be violated...


                            • #15
                              Dr. Evil is back...and has invented a new time machine that allows him to go back to the 60's and steal Austin Powers's mojo, inadvertently leaving him "shagless"

                              Last edited by phill_up; 01-09-2009, 08:57 AM.

