You wanted opinions on autographs, you got mine. That's what I think. If it was so valuable to you, then you should have taken the necessary precautions to protect it, like put a clear coat over it or tape some plastic wrap or something over it. I do, however, think it is lame that the shop wiped it off when you told them to be careful.
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Charvel Autographed by George Lynch
it could be that it was entirely an accident, as the shop told you. They may have been attempting to polish around the signature and accidentally took some of it off and then figuring the damage was done, finished the job off. I can't see anyone working in a guitar store being so jealous about your ownership of an import production Charvel that they would wilfully damage (or negatively affect) your guitar. Not knocking the instrument - I have a 550XL myself - but really, it's not like you took a vintage or Custom Shop guitar to them.
IMHO, a signature adds absolutely nothing to the value of a guitar. I even think it may devalue it because there's a possibility when I try to wipe it off that the finish underneath may have been damaged. The idea that signatures significantly increase the value of a guitar seems to me to be mainly driven by those asshats on ebay who think that a $200 Squier suddenly becomes worth $2G because it's in a frame and has Ozzy's signature on it. $2,000 for a cheap guitar that I can't even play?
as far as legal action goes, you might want to consider what the legal costs might be compared to the 15 cents of marker that George defaced your guitar with. You might also consider the proof that you'll be required to provide of the dollar value that the store has devalued your guitar by cleaning it for you.Hail yesterday
Originally posted by VitaminG View PostIMHO, a signature adds absolutely nothing to the value of a guitar.
Originally posted by toejam View PostTrue.That delete/ban button is always under my finger. :ROTF:
Respecting your authoritar????
Come on brother... gimmie the nightstick!!!"Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."
Auotgraphs on guitars really does nothing for the value and in collector circles its considered a reason to knock the price down.
If the guitar was actually owned by the person yes it will have some worth.
Yes clearcoat the autograph to save it by all means if it means that much to you.
Jealous I don't think so thats kind of childish to think that.
550 XL's are very high quality guitars to some and just another guitar to others.
The fact you asked them to not damage the autograph I think you have every right to be pissed.Just what you can do about it I have no clue.
Lots of things are gay ie. skull head knobs, diamond series Schecter guitars and the list goes on.Last edited by straycat; 01-10-2009, 07:47 PM.Really? well screw Mark Twain.
Toe is cool just give him some slack.
I've been collecting for a very long time so I call it like it is.
Every 550XL I've ever had have been top notch the dude at the store may not like Charvels so there you go its his opinion nothing more.Last edited by straycat; 01-11-2009, 12:57 AM.Really? well screw Mark Twain.