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Question about the different Jackson series's

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  • Question about the different Jackson series's

    Hi, I'm planning to get my first Jackson once I scrape together the cash for one, and I was curious about the different series's listed on the Jackson website like JS and MG and Pro series, best I can tell JS is the cheapest one but not much more than that. Is MG a cheap one too? I was looking at the RR24 and it's listed as part of the MG series and at around $1400 CAD at the local shop, I'm hoping it doesn't turn out that it's a cheap junker if I buy one.


  • #2
    JS = India
    MG, Pro, X = Japan
    Select = USA

    There's not a whole lot of difference quality-wise between the MG, Pro, and X series.


    • #3
      Ok that clears things up, thanks.


      • #4
        if you've got $1400 to blow on a guitar, that's plenty to find a usa select on ebay, maybe even a new one. i got my sl2ht from 'noisy neighbor' in pittsburgh, and it was only 1650, and sold new w/ warranty info.

        you might not in the market for a soloist, but check out item 280305551687; you'll kind of see what i'm talking about.

        280304653239 is way less than 1400, and is ending in like 10 minutes - if you have that much to blow, you can get this, and still have money to take your lady out to dinner to celebrate (so that she doesn't get jealous...)!
        Last edited by drixll; 01-23-2009, 04:06 PM.
        198? Charvel Model 2B s/n 245085
        1987 Charvel Model 6 s/n C707218
        2001 SL2H Black Pearl s/n U09404
        2006 SL2HT Burnt Cherry Sunburst s/n U18151
        2008 USA C/S Soloist Soft Arch Carved Top Tiger Eye JA0510
        2009 Adrian Smith Dinky s/n 006666 (Ebony Fretboard)
        2009 Adrian Smith Dinky s/n 007066 (Maple Freboard)


        • #5
          A quick rundown of the various series:

          JS Series: The cheapest series, made in India. They have dot inlays, Jackson branded pickups and lower quality woods/hardware

          X Series: Made In Japan, slightly cheaper than the Pro series. They're a bit cheaper because they use Duncan Designed pickups and slightly inferior hardware/wood.

          Pro Series: Made In Japan, excellent quality for the price. Real Seymour Duncans, decent hardware, good woods. Really nicely made.

          MG Series: Same as the Pro series except they have EMG pickups instead of the Duncans and piranha tooth inlays instead of sharkfins.

          USA Select Series: Top of the line, made in USA. Made with a lot of attention to detail and with the best materials.

          Also, look out for early-mid 90s professionals. They usually say Professional next to Jackson on the headstock, and are famous for nearly killing off Jackson USA, since they were nearly as good as USA Jacksons but only cost half the price.
          I like maple fretboards. :P


          • #6
            Last edited by XZYRYABX; 12-01-2009, 04:22 PM.


            • #7
              Also, how do the professional series RRs from the mid-90s compare to the MG RR24M? would it be equivalent to the standard professional or the pro prefessional?
              In one way it's below both. They had qtrsawn necks the rr24m doesn't. other then that it's more like the standard. If they made then that well still the USA select sales would be in the toilet.


              • #8
                [QUOTE=Confuse-a-Cat;1198965]A quick rundown of the various series:

                X Series: Made In Japan, slightly cheaper than the Pro series. They're a bit cheaper because they use Duncan Designed pickups and slightly inferior hardware/wood.

                X series were also made in india circa 2000,2001.
                I dont get scared but i do get shocked!!

