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Anyone else want to see Jackson/Charvel evolve and go "mainstream"?

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  • Originally posted by Newc View Post
    You've seen the commercial where the orchestra is doing a score for an action film like Gladiator, and there's one guy rocking out with some 80s techno/8-bit video game synth action? Obviously that guy was in the wrong place. A Rhoads simply doesn't fit visually in a Country or Jazz band (though I did see a pic of a guy using a hot pink with black bevels RR in a Country band - not a very famous one, I might add).
    However, the Morton, NASL, or non-pink PC1 would.
    I haven't actually seen that commercial (living in a different country, as I do ) but I get the concept. Although it seems that the problem with that individual was that what he was playing was inappropriate for the musical situation. That's hardly the same as playing bonafide country licks on a Warrior. Just like Hiland whipping them out on a PRS. It's not a "legitimate" country guitar, but the dude is showing that it's the music you create, not the instrument you create it on that's important.

    FWIW, I use Jacksons, Charvels & a bright green single hum strathead sully guitar in my classic rock cover band. We play all sorts of stuff, from The Eagles, America & REM to Robert Palmer & Joe Jackson to The Angels & Van Halen. And the guitar that is versatile enough to hit all of those tones? My trans amber Jackson Fusion Plus. No one has ever said to me that these guitars were wrong for the music we're playing. In fact, the chicks seem to dig the sexy green single hum
    Hail yesterday


    • *dreams of a neck thru star

      It's different enough from current (Jackson) offerings, is a Charvel staple already (albeit smaller in frequency than a strat) but fills a niche (me lol)
      Charvel = bolt on, Jackson = neck thru

      mmmm, single hum string-thru neck-thru flametop (even solid color would be hot), yeah, with full binding (or natural ala SLAT) Typical Jackson select appointments at least.
      It would be a start using an existing product as a foundation.

      Completely new shapes are much harder to market when considering startup costs and desire for quick return on investments.

      *Keeps on dreaming.


      • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
        Jackson knows their marketing when it comes to the import line. They have decided to keep the models based out of Japan and compare that to what a ESP Japan model costs and you are getting a great value.
        Not really...that's only if you are thinking in the Japan-Japan paradigm.

        Jackson's first tier of production is USA. ESP's first tier of production is Japan. Therefor you must compare first tier with first tier in my opinion. What are the price points of Jackson USA and ESP Japan? That puts it in a different perspective doesn't it?

        Jackson Japan and ESP/LTD Korea are the second tier so those are the ones to be compared when thinking of price. I have had many, many Korean ESP/LTD guitars in my hands and quite a few Japanese Jacksons. I think that the quality is quite comparable in most instances although I have seen some sloppy stuff from Jackson Japan and never seen anything that I would call sloppy from ESP/LTD Korea.

        With that said I think that the deciding factor between the two would still be the neck feel/profile/shape and in that area if the Jackson neck is 'for you' then the Jackson Japan guitar is a good value. I don't know of another neck that feels quite like it and for those who like that compound radius Jackson feel nothing else compares.
        My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

        Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


        • So let me ask this question, how many non-metal endorcers does jackson/charvel have at the moment? How many did they have during the sweetone production? And by metal I am refering to any type 80s to today as the mainstream on the whole does not draw the distingtions that people who listen to the music do.
          Last edited by RR05xx; 02-18-2009, 07:22 PM.
          "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


          • Originally posted by RR05xx View Post
            So let me ask this question, how many non-metal endorcers does jackson/charvel have at the moment? How many did they have during the sweetone production? And by metal I am refering to any type 80s to today as the mainstream on the whole does not draw the distingtions that people who listen to the music do.
            Who wasn't playing a Jackson or Charvel in the 80's. There was the guy from Mister Mister then there was a few Funk players like the guy from P-Funk I think. The endorsers crossed all kinds of genres back then in the 80s.

            Now its just kind of blah Black metal only. They need to expand is my point.


            • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
              Who wasn't playing a Jackson or Charvel in the 80's. There was the guy from Mister Mister then there was a few Funk players like the guy from P-Funk I think. The endorsers crossed all kinds of genres back then in the 80s.

              Now its just kind of blah Black metal only. They need to expand is my point.

              Exactly why they need to use that Charvel heritage to expand!

              eta: but they better make DAMN sure they do not get into Fender teritory...

