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NAMM 04 Pic Request?

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  • NAMM 04 Pic Request?

    Does anyone have closeups of the Phils PC1 in this pic (the black one) by chance?

    If your a Phil fan and have a few pics of it, I will mail you one of his picks

    Thanks Guys,

  • #2
    Originally posted by BGWwebguy View Post
    Does anyone have closeups of the Phils PC1 in this pic (the black one) by chance?

    If your a Phil fan and have a few pics of it, I will mail you one of his picks

    Thanks Guys,
    Hey Brooks; I should have some pix of it and will look up my NAMM 04 pix this weekend for you. They're on another hard drive, not in my laptop at the moment.


    • #3
      Was not that one on Ebay at one point? There are lots of pics floating around of it if I remember correctly... I just dont have any.


      • #4
        I want to know the story behind that 10th Mountain Division Dinky. :think:

        Someone at Jackson serve in 10th MTN?


        • #5
          That was a tribute Dinky IIRC. I think Matt'sMusic had it.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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          • #6
            Thanks Rudy, I figured you would have something. You always have a ton of great pics. I remember I had Phil on the phone and we were wondering where the guitar was going to go back after the show, and someone told me not to pick it up as I had my hand on it. I was like common now. Should have handed the damn phone to him who ever it was! If you do fine any Rudy, I would really appreciate it and you can send any to [email protected]. Thanks,


            • #7
              Originally posted by BGWwebguy View Post
              Thanks Rudy, I figured you would have something. You always have a ton of great pics. I remember I had Phil on the phone and we were wondering where the guitar was going to go back after the show, and someone told me not to pick it up as I had my hand on it. I was like common now. Should have handed the damn phone to him who ever it was! If you do fine any Rudy, I would really appreciate it and you can send any to [email protected]. Thanks,
              Hey Brooks, I have my NAMM 04 pix on another hard drive, I will find them and send them tou you. Been busy over the weekend playing out but I will check what I have tomorrow for you


              • #8
                Originally posted by Newc View Post
                That was a tribute Dinky IIRC. I think Matt'sMusic had it.
                Matt definately had that in his shop for a while.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BGWwebguy View Post
                  Does anyone have closeups of the Phils PC1 in this pic (the black one) by chance?

                  If your a Phil fan and have a few pics of it, I will mail you one of his picks

                  Thanks Guys,
                  I know someone does, that's the one that was 'painted' in the stuff they spray on the back of trucks to keep them from getting beat up.. They had a name for that guitar (If I could remember it, i could find the pix)
                  In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sparky View Post
                    Matt definately had that in his shop for a while.
                    Yes, it was at Matt's Music, in fact, Matt still has not taken it down from his gbase page. Forum member Sambencuda got it from Matt, then I got it from Sambencuda in Feb '07, and still have it.

                    Thanks to this thread, I now have the pic from 2004 NAMM with the guitar in it!


                    • #11

                      the PC1 with the bed liner stuff is called Lumpy, there's close up picks here

                      In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


                      • #12
                        I found a few pix of it in my NAMM stash Most of them are with other guitars on display but I will send them to you Brooks. Probably a couple at a time because if I try to attach more than 2-3 they bounce back to my AOL e-mail :think: I also found some pix from NAMM 03 when we visited the Ontario factory, I have pix of your KOA PC-1 there under construction! I think I sent those to you back then but don't remember anymore. Anyway, I'll post one shot of it here as well as a group shot of the JCF at NAMM 04 with "Lumpy" in the background Lumpy was the official nickname of the PC-1 in this thread.



                        • #13
                          Ask and you shall receive.....

                          Do I still get one of Phil's guitar picks?

