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Hoping to deal with 'Stangletooth', who can vouch for him?

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  • #46
    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

    I will absolutely speak of Strangletooth in the highest reguards. I have chatted with him many a time on the phone, on Yahoo IM and had a couple transactions with him. He is truly a standup guy and a man of his word. I wouldn't hesitate one bit to buy anything of his. He will describe anything he is trying to sell to a T.

    Let me put it to you this way, I shipped him a guitar with him still owing over $200 on it and didn't even think twice.



    • #47
      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

      Originally posted by Guitarzan:
      Look, if a guitar store sent you a gutiar and it got broke, do you think the store would immediately refund your money, take back the guitar, and file the claim themselves? I doubt.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">\

      Actually, that is EXACTLY what a reputable music store does. I've had Musicians Friend and AMS both do this for me, shipping the new guitars before UPS picked up the old ones on the call tags.
      In fact, MF also REFUNDED my Next-Day shipping charges, and sent the replacement Next-Day as well, for my inconvenience. That was a few years ago,
      and I've heard unflattering comments about them recently, but they didn't give me any $h!te. I'm not one to take it in any case.


      • #48
        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

        While you guys start: me and da ladies are gonna:
        "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
        Gotta get away from here.
        Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
        Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


        • #49
          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

          Having been on both the buyers and sellers side of UPS claims, in every case the seller refunds the money to the buyer, then UPS issues a check to the seller.

          [ May 17, 2003, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Jim Shine ]


          • #50
            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

            Dear Sid,

            What Ever now go Fukt yourself................................
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Chuck


            • #51
              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

              Well, it's sad when things get to this, but i'm offering my side of the story too.

              I bought my EDS RR1 from Pat, and he was really patient and helped me alot, and boy i screwed up!.

              FYI i live in Santiago Chile. When i saw the RR1 going for sale in the classifieds i contacted him and told him i wanted the guitar but i didn't have a credit card so i wanted to make the deal through a friend's Paypal account. We didn't know each other at that time and i was fairly new to the forum...
              Well, to make a long story not so long, i screwed up and sent the money to the wrong account!!!. Pat and his wife helped me and finally the deal went ok. The guitar was sent to my friend's home in Miami and stayed there until another friend went to Miami and picked her up for me and bring her to Santiago.

              So, to me Pat was a great guy to make my first deal, the guitar was even better than he described, (hell, she's like new!), and the price was more than fair to me. I could have been easily screwed in the kind of transaction we made, but i wasn't.

              I wouldn't hesitate to make another deal with Pat in the future (just wait 'til i get more money!!!) [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .

              Just my two cents,


              Edited for spelling.

              [ May 17, 2003, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: kuerbo ]
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              • #52
                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                What the hell did i do to you nothing at all dude.

                Originally posted by Chuckracer:
                Dear Sid,

                </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> What Ever now go Fukt yourself................................
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Chuck </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                • #53
                  Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                  Pat I am trying to exdend the Hand of Friendship to you. and work things out.

                  Originally posted by Strangletooth:
                  "You" think "we" should talk, YOU email me, but it will most likely go unanswered....

                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                  • #54
                    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                    There's really nothing to work out here, you've posted your thoughts as did I, no biggie...

                    I have way too much on my mind to worry about you and a fukkin $100 Floyd Rose, K?

                    And BTW, don't call my house 10 fukkin times!



                    • #55
                      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                      One of my first Ebay dealings was with Pat. I sold him a Charvel that I was not using. (probably take his daughter 2 years to play it better than it's taken me in 17!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] )

                      It was a seamless transaction and Pat and I have talked off and on since (guitars, kids, etc.) I consider Pat a friend now, and I'd trust him enough now to send a guitar and expect payment when he got it (although he did pay me first on our deal, I would trust him that much in the future.

                      [end of ASIDE]

                      For both your sakes, you guys might want to take this scrap off-board, as you might say stuff publicly you'll regret later.

                      G'night from Canada.....


                      • #56
                        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                        Bro, I feel like i should give you a refund i wish you would of let me known i would of paypaled you the money asap.
                        Sorry for calling 5 times but i realy wanted to talk to you like i said before i did cosider you a friend and would still like to

                        a refund is waiting if you want it.

                        sorry if i inlusted you i do dnot mean to

                        Also Pat I am Praying for you, Your Son and your Family.

                        The Dragon Flying V is yours if you still want to work out something.

                        Originally posted by Strangletooth:

                        There's really nothing to work out here, you've posted your thoughts as did I, no biggie...

                        I have way too much on my mind to worry about you and a fukkin $100 Floyd Rose, K?

                        And BTW, don't call my house 10 fukkin times!

                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                        • #57
                          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                          This reminds me of a story...

                          One time I bought a goldfish from a local petstore. Outside of the store these older guys started to harass me because I had a goldfish...the weakest of all household pets. They made me drop my goldfish. As I sat there and watched the poor little guy breathe his last breaths and flop around a bit, I felt myself getting very mad, and I felt something else....something was growing in my groin area. No no you sickos I wasn't getting a boner, but my level of testicular fortitude had grown immensely! I looked up at the guys that made my fish die, and I knew that then and was time to get ill. I kicked those dudes' sissy asses! Moral of the story-walk softly til someone kills your fish...then it's time to get ILL!


                          • #58
                            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                            Definately not trying to get into the fray here (I've never dealt w/ Pat at all.), but if any shipping damage is the sellers responsibility and the buyer receives an immediate refund, why does everybody (including those on the JCF and posting in this thread) always advertise $XXX.XX shipped and insured for $XXX.XX? Why would *I* care if it's insured if in fact anything happens during shipping, the seller will refund me and they will then deal with Fed Ex/UPS for damage ins. refunds? Just curious.


                            • #59
                              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                              Put your original post back up, Sid. Don't bother being a pussy now, you're already in it. You talk like a man, but when you get called on it you edit your post and try to claim innocence? The BS meter is off the sacle now, hero.

                              Edited to add post from my Soloist classified thread:
                              I can't figure you out You sell that guitar you buy it back then you sell it and then you buy it back and now you are looking to sell it again.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">And this is your business to air in public in exactly what way? Huh? Tommy was real happy with you for a very similiar thing, wasn't he? You didn't learn squat from that, I guess.
                              So now you figure this would be a great time to air some twisted laundry concerning Pat. You say this crap, then try to cover it all back up with apologies and edits.
                              What have you done to me? Made me not want to call you a friend, thats for goddam sure. Understand that, Mr. Delete?

                              [ May 17, 2003, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: Chuckracer ]


                              • #60
                                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                                thanks very much for all the replies guys, i certainly didnt mean any disrespect by using Vince and Ed as examples, but i just wanted to to be sure of who i was dealing with and from this im very happy to deal with him.

                                thanks again


