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Hoping to deal with 'Stangletooth', who can vouch for him?

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  • #91
    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

    None necassary Chuck..

    Pat, I'm very sorry to hear about your little one.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours..

    [ May 17, 2003, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: kickaxeguitars ]


    • #92
      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

      Is this a dead thread now?.. eith all the B.S if it is i'm going to get rid of it .. any votes?
      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


      • #93
        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

        I vote you can it, too. AgentOrange seems to be happy to go through with the deal, nothing more to see here.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #94
          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

          Originally posted by KMaynard:
          Is this a dead thread now?.. eith all the B.S if it is i'm going to get rid of it .. any votes?
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">i have no problem with this, i got what i wanted to know, that pats a good guy and i have no problems dealing with him. Delete away!



          • #95
            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

            Eh, I dunno Kev, but hey, it's yall's board, do whatever you guys think is right. There were some things said, rather harsh indeed, but that's the way things go sometimes I suppose..

            Makes no difference to me one way or the other... It's nice to air some dirty laundry at times, but there are limits...



            • #96
              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

              I'll put another vote to kill this thread.

              If you want to see my ebay account and feedback, my name is wildbillhunter. I have 100% positives. I am not out to screw anybody.

              Pat, I'm sorry the deal went down bad, I apologize for anything that was handled wrongly, and I just want it to be in the past, ok?

              If you have to reference "daddy" for a transaction then I suggest you give up the head-set and go back to school to make a real living and learn a little more about the real world.
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Maybe you didn't get the picture but I'M STILL IN SCHOOL! [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img]

              [ May 17, 2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Guitarzan ]


              • #97
                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                I've NEVER commented on our deal until you said I stole money from you... [EDIT] It was in the past until "you" brought it up and you had no right saying what you did, I just hope you learned something from this fiasco [EDIT]

                Don't apoloize to me, it's too late for that...


                [ May 17, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Strangletooth ]


                • #98
                  Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                  Very well, then.

                  [ May 17, 2003, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Guitarzan ]


                  • #99
                    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                    Kill it.


                    • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                      First, thanx all for the thoughts and prayers, very much appreciated by all of us here at the Strangletooth camp!

                      Guitarzan, you're a liar, plain and simple, I gave you guys a few days to make it right and after the comment by your father, I was NOT going to help YOU any longer and protected my interest of $1100, which is a lot of money to "anyone". I don't think I need to say anything further except the fact that I would hope that NOBODY would ever deal with you.

                      I have pictures of the box, case and the guitar, several people have seen these, people I speak with privately on a daily basis and we all basically came to the same conclusion. I probably just needed some "expert" advise on what "could" have happened to the guitar and maybe reassurance as to my inital thoughts as well.

                      As far as the deal with Sid, I don't recall being late with payment, but I won't deny that and frankly it's really not worth it to me to dig through emails about a freekin $100 floyd rose. I don't doubt it as things have happened like that in the past and with everything that's been going on the last 5 or so months, I don't doubt it. But either way, it's done and no, I don't want a refund, I'll use it sometime, or send it to someone that needs it, whatever.

                      As for the Dragon, Sid, you paid somewhere around $1300 for that guitar, I knew this when making a generous offer of $1800 in cash and trade, and I low balled you? This was around the time you were whining about quitting playing, leaving the board and not having any money, so I made a generous offer to help a fellow JCF'r out and put a couple dollars in his pocket... And this is what I get? Dude, you DO have some serious issues.

                      I don't know but after all this sh!t, I'm pulling that ad off the board, I try and give you guys some VERY cool axes for exactly what I paid for them so someone else can enjoy them for a while and all this comes, fukk it! If you see them on eBay, bid on them, if they aren't there, they AREN'T for sale, period...

                      Again guys, thanx for the support both privately and publically, it means a lot.

                      J, see you tonight bro, with the Dragon in hand!


                      [EDIT] Hal, you still have your deal, all the rest, not for sale... [EDIT]

                      [ May 17, 2003, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Strangletooth ]


                      • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                        Originally posted by OnlineStageGear:
                        The reciever can file it but it is fruitless since they have to contact the shipper anyways to verify cost.

                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">As I'm reading this thread, I notice that one issue keeps popping up among all the the venomous histrionics.

                        "If your order appears to have been damaged in shipping, you should contact the carrier that delivered your package. UPS - 1 800 PICKUPS (1-800-742-5877) Fed-Ex - 1 800 GO FEDEX (1-800-463-3339) Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns."

                        That is what the largest mail order dealer in the MI industry has to say about who should file freight claims. That is the typical policy for many retail and wholesale companies in this industry. Even though every company that I've worked for has always volunteered to assist the recipient with the claim (as it IS in the best interest of customer service) the responsibilty to file the claim lies ultimately with the recipient. Once the seller hands the package over to the carrier, carefully packed within the carrier's guidelines, his end of the contract has been fulfilled. If there is a damage claim, the carrier may wish to inspect the item and all original shipping materials before paying the claim, which is a good reason for the recipient to be involved- he will have to schedule an appointment for an inspector. If the carrier determines that the damage was done before shipping, then you have a more serious matter to deal with- fraud. If the carrier determines that the package was damaged in freight, but refuses to pay the claim based on insufficient packing materials, than the seller should take the item back no questions asked and learn how to pack.

                        If a customer were to cancel a payment on a damaged shipment without waiting for a claim to be filed and resolved, the vendor may very well send the account to collections, and win.

                        This isn't my personal opinion based on how I think things SHOULD be, rather that is they way they are. Don't kill the messenger.
                        Chief Guitar Geek at George's Music Center
                        [email protected]


                        • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                          I disagree KB, I called FedEx to help out and they said the shipper paid the insurance, therefore, they are the ONLY one's that can file a claim and be paid for a claim filed. This comes from FedEx directly, the carrier in question...



                          • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                            hey all i can say is call him if he wants you to, email him speak to him directly. Ive dealt with alot of people here on the JCF & can say ive not had one bad experience. THANKS GUYS. as for other people bad dealings everyone like to get stuff cheap & sell high or at least the going rate, thats capitalism its america isnt it. from what ive read here MOST of the people ive dealt with & TRUST here have praised Pat & their dealings with him. I have NOT bought or sold anything to him but from what im hearing i dont think I would have a problem buyng a guitar from him.

                            im sorry about your Son I, my first will turn 1 in July & I truly wish him the best of LUCK, & hope you are handling this OK, i know it can be difficult my son also need surgery at 2 months old it was a very rough time for me.


                            • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                              Originally posted by Strangletooth:
                              I disagree KB, I called FedEx to help out and they said the shipper paid the insurance, therefore, they are the ONLY one's that can file a claim and be paid for a claim filed. This comes from FedEx directly, the carrier in question...

                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's the beautiful thing about the USA- you and are free to disagree any time we choose. ; )

                              The Fed-Ex rep you spoke to must have misunderstood your question or has not finished their training period. You are partly right, the sender will receive the payment when the claim is resolved. However, either party may file the claim.
                              Chief Guitar Geek at George's Music Center
                              [email protected]


                              • Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                                I've talked with a few people here that have been in similar situations and yeh, it does help. It's hard to keep from thinking of all the negative things, but it's nice to smile when you hear of someone else's child that had some complications that are now doing well and living normal lives years after the fact. Good luck to you and yours!

                                Thanx again!

