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Hoping to deal with 'Stangletooth', who can vouch for him?

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  • Hoping to deal with 'Stangletooth', who can vouch for him?

    first off, not that i dont trust you dude, its that i dont trust anyone.

    Im looking to buy an SL-1 from him and while were hammering out the fine print, can some people couch for him as a good, honest and stand up guy?

    I just dont wanna be dealing with the ed roman or vince sansevre of the jackson forum

    any help or input would be very much appreciated


  • #2
    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

    man, don't even mention pat in the same sentence as ed roman...i've sold him a cd (thanks pat!) and he was honest, upfront, and speedy on the payment...basically you have no worries dealing with him...d.m.


    • #3
      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

      Pat is 100% a-OK, dude. Don't worry.
      AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


      • #4
        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

        pat is one hell of a guy. many, if not all here, would agree.

        Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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        • #5
          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

          I've sent Pat a guitar BEFORE he paid for it, and I never do that. You have no worries with Pat.



          • #6
            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

            This place prolly wouldn't be here with out him.


            • #7
              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

              100% stand up guy.


              • #8
                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                Maybe I'm the only one who has ONE negative thing to say about him.

                We had a deal a while back where I sold him a Jackson KV-2 Korina. He paid using PayPal. The guitar got beat up in shipping and the neck cracked. He immediately demanded that I refunded his money. Now, no store would do that for you, that isn't normal procedure. I told him that he should file the claim with FedEx and have them get him a refund but he refused to comply. He lied to PayPal and told them that the money was taken out of his account by accident or without his permission and put me in debt $1100. I had to file the claim with FedEx and wait for them to refund my money. I ALMOST got screwed out of $1100, and he and I still don't see eye to eye on this thing, but other than that...I've never heard any other negative stories of dealings with him.

                [ May 16, 2003, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Guitarzan ]


                • #9
                  Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                  Originally posted by Guitarzan:
                  Maybe I'm the only one who has ONE negative thing to say about him.

                  We had a deal a while back where I sold him a Jackson KV-2 Korina. He paid using PayPal. The guitar got beat up in shipping and the neck cracked. He immediately demanded that I refunded his money.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well, you were the one who paid to ship and insure it, so wouldn't that be your responsibility to get the guitar back and show your receipt to make the damage claim, or am I wrong? [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                    Believe me, he did ship the guitar back...after he stole $1100 out of my Paypal account.

                    I'm just saying I wish he would have been a little more patient before putting me in debt.

                    [ May 16, 2003, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Guitarzan ]


                    • #11
                      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                      Two things to add to this thread:

                      FIRST: Pat is honest and true. It's sort of embarrassing that you couldn't ascertain that from his postings/standing on the JCF. Nonetheless you will not get hosed.

                      SECOND: Guitarzan is a blithering idiot. You failed to realize what the true etiquette is when a seller ships a guitar. THE SELLER is completely responsible for everything. You were paid your money and were obligated to send the guitar out. It's YOUR responsibility to file the claim, since you know you packed it well, you should refund the buyer and deal with the claim on your own. That's the beauty of PayPal, Pat didn't have to lie about money being taken out of his account! All he had to do (and he did do it!) was inform his credit card company that he received defective merchandise from a shipper and that they were not refunding him the $. Any credit card company would issue a charge back and you would be responsible. Pat was in the right, you were in the wrong.
                      "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                      Gotta get away from here.
                      Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                      Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                      • #12
                        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                        Charvel750, that's pretty harsh of you to jump down on Guitarizan's throat like that without knowing all the facts yourself.

                        I had one dealing with Pat and it was less than pleasant. He won an ebay auction of mine and backed out of it. He gave me a few excuses, and he said he'd pay for it later. Then he just said that he changed his mind or what not. I told him not to worry about my ebay fees and he kindly ablidged. He's been on my ebay block list since.

                        I have another friend, who had a deal gone south with him, and he would post his dealings with him here, but he told me he would get shot down just like Guitarizan did. I don't blame him for not wanting to talk.

                        And Pat, you've STILL haven't squared up with him, even after I privately asked you to do so.

                        Guess I'm in the doghouse and looking to get banned by speaking the honest truth. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img]
                        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                          That's the beauty of PayPal, Pat didn't have to lie about money being taken out of his account!
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually, he DID lie.

                          And though I disagree with you, I'm not going to call you a blithering idiot. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img]

                          Look, if a guitar store sent you a gutiar and it got broke, do you think the store would immediately refund your money, take back the guitar, and file the claim themselves? I doubt.

                          Apparently I view that kind of situation differently from most of the people on this board. The thing is, that deal was done with a long time ago, and everything turned out FINE in the end. I don't want to resurrect it into some huge argument. This board has enough other ****fights.

                          I actually might know the person xenophobe is talking about...

                          [ May 16, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Guitarzan ]


                          • #14
                            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                            Boo hoo hoo! And you, Xeno, don't know what I know about that dealing, now do you? Guitarzan, if you didn't want to resurrect anything, then why did you even bring it up? You got your $. [img]graemlins/baby.gif[/img]
                            "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                            Gotta get away from here.
                            Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                            Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                            • #15
                              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                              The guy wanted to know what to expect when dealing with Pat. I decided to post my experience. What, you gotta crucify me for that?

